12 July, 1998
07/12/98 A Day Off
*** Everybody sleeps in - relaxed conversations - helping Betty clean house
- a visit to the Mayor's house - an expedition with the mayor ***
On Sunday everybody sleeps in, with good reason. Everybody is
tired after a week of ten-hour days and late nights in the lab. The
morning was filled with casual conversations about teaching, education,
grant writing, archeology, and plans for further excavation. Even though
things seem hectic now it will get worse when construction starts and
archeologists are going to have to monitor the construction company's
excavations. There seems to be some nervousness here especially amongst the
young Foremen upon whose shoulders a lot of the responsibility will fall.
Around noon we went to visit our business and all around technician Betty
Kinneeveauk Smith at her new house. Last Sunday Betty Smith and Kristen
Wenzel attended a local church service and ended up renting the parsonage.
Since our encampment is still on a barge somewhere, this gets Betty and
Kristen out of the Village Safe Water office where they are staying. It
will also be where we cook our meals so that we can reclaim kitchen space
from our labs.
In the afternoon Aaron and I went on a visit to the Mayor's house.
The Honorable Gilbert Barr the mayor of Deering was interested in how my
digital camera could help him record some of this project. The mayor was
interested in the pictures for a report that he is preparing to secure
funding for preservation of the artifacts from this excavation. The Mayor
ferried Aaron and me across the Inmachuk River at the east end of town. He
led us up a bluff for a spectacular view of Deering and the surrounding
area. The Mayor was hoping to capture a view from the same vantagepoint as
a picture that the mayor has from 1903. After the mosquitoes drove us back
down off of the bluff, the Mayor took us out into Kotzebue Sound. We had a
tour of spectacular sea cliffs, sea caves, sea stacks, and arches. The
cliffs were covered with nesting gulls and murre (crowbills). The Mayor
told us stories of his days climbing these cliffs to collect bird eggs.
When we returned to Deering we showed the Mayor the pictures that
we had taken, and printed a copy of the picture of Deering from the bluff
for him. We promised that we would take pictures of the excavation and
some of the better artifacts for him.
Having a day off so soon was nice for catching up on some
much-needed sleep. As Tim said, the Mayor's tour of the surrounding
landmarks was great. I was shocked to find that there were mosquitoes even
out in Kotzebue Sound. I'm excited to begin work again tomorrow.

Deering from the bluff.
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