16 July, 1998
7/16/98 Excavating a mysterious pit
*** Digging test pits by 8 A.M. - Sewer line construction beginning - doing
a laundry at lunch - excavating a mysterious pit ***
In the morning we finished excavating our 30+ test pits. I
completed two, including the last one to be done. The last one was a
parcticularly tough one to do. The sediments were very compact and there
was lots of gravel. Both pits turned out to be just over a cubic meter,
that means that over a ton of gravel was shoveled out of each one. At
10:30 I ran over to the post office to mail our journal pages to Renee
Crain at ARCUS. Internet access at Deering is at best tenuous so we mail a
disk every few days to Renee who cheerfully and efficiently loads them on
the web.
The construction crew has started digging looking for the places
where they left off last year. We will continue to have pressure on us to
After lunch I went back to check my laundry. $3 for a load of wash
and 2 dries at $2 each and it still wasn't dry. I dragged it back to the
lab where I hung it all around.
For the 6 hours after lunch Aaron and I excavated a mysterious pit.
The head of our project Rick Reanier noticed in one of the test pits a
layer of ancient sod that was dipping towards the north. To Rick's trained
eyes it represented the possible edge of a human made depression. Sod had
grown over the depression and eventually it had been filled with wave borne
sand and gravel. Aaron and I carefully removed tons of overburden with
shovels. When we were close to the sensitive sod layer we scraped by hand
with trowels. By the end of the day we had uncovered an irregular pit 15
feet in diameter and about 3 feet deep in the center. On the surface of
the sod we found 1 human bone and a projectile point. The archeologists
think that these artifacts are not representative of 1000 year old Ipiutak
but maybe slightly more modern Thule age. Rick Reanier is not sure why
this pit was dug, but tomorrow we will look at it more closely. For dinner
our cook Calvin Moto cooked beef gravy over rice with corn, peas, fresh
baked rolls and fruit salad. Calvin and Rick regaled us with stories of
their days working on the Alaska oil spill, Rick as an archeologist and
Calvin as a cook.
Today was one of the first completely clear days they've had all
week. It's hard to believe we've been here for a week already. Time
really flies. We've been doing so much digging with shovels lately. Rick
Reanier says that's what makes archeology so interesting. There's
something of everything. You could be scratching away at the bottom of a
house, working meticulously in a lab, or digging furiously with a shovel
and backhoe. In the field and full of dirt, or in the lab and extremely
clean. All in all we're getting quite the intro into this field.

Aaron keeping up with his journal after 10 hours of digging.
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