27 July, 1998
7/27/98 Last Day of TEA
*** CRREL permafrost tunnel - The Pawn Shop Super Store - Shopping in
Fairbanks - ARCUS barbecue ***
We were up early today as Renee took Aaron, myself, Myrtle, Elisa
and Noa to the CRREL (Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory)
Permafrost tunnel. At the tunnel we met Matthew Sturm who led us through
the insulated double doors into the refrigerated permafrost past. The US
Army Corps of Engineers constructed this 360+ foot long tunnel into
permanently frozen silt and gravel in the 1960's. Originally constructed
to study methods for frozen soil extraction and mining, the tunnel is now
the site of permafrost and climate research. This tour was really
fantastic! The tunnel was constructed in such a way that as we walked we
were going backwards in stratigraphic time. We observed deposits and
organic remains dating all the way back to the Pleistocene. We saw ice
wedges, prehistoric mammal bones and a fantastic stratigraphy.
In the afternoon we went to see The Pawnshop Super Store (pretty
bizarre) and window-shopped in downtown Fairbanks. I went to numerous
shops as well as the Fairbanks Visitor Center and the Public Lands
Information Center.
In the evening we all went to an ARCUS Barbecue at project manager
Alison York's house. We had a great time with delicious food, hilarious
stories and cut throat croquette.
This journal entry marks the end of an intense, fantastic sometimes
almost surreal experience. I would like to thank the people of Deering for
their acceptance and support especially co-workers Alvin, Bob, Susie,
Stephanie, and Bonita, cook Calvin, and the Mayor of Deering and his wife
the Hon. Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Barr.
I would like to thank the Deering project P.I.'s Anne Jenson and
Glenn Sheehan as well as the Archeologists at Deering Rick, Kristen, Ryan,
Randy and Betty. Thanks also go out to Mike Lewis of the University of
Fairbanks museum, Matthew Sturm of CRREL and to ARCUS staff Anne, Alison,
Alison, Diane and Milo.
Special thanks go out to Wayne Sukow of NSF for making this project
possible and to Wendy Warnick of ARCUS for steering the project clear of
the rocks up here in Alaska.
Finally I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to
Aaron Stupple my co-conspirator, and to Renee Crain, who Aaron correctly
characterizes as our Fairy Godmother. I will miss both of you guys.
Today we saw perhaps one of the rarest sites available in the
world. It was a permafrost tunnel. The army core of engineers drilled a
tunnel into the side of a bluff to learn about the possibility of building
missile silos. They left it open to research and rare tours. The tunnel
must be kept refrigerated so that it doesn't slump in. It was very cold
inside and smelly as many of the trapped animal remains from up to 32,000
years ago are slightly decomposing. The only tunnel similar is in Siberia,
but supposedly it isn't as interesting a section of permafrost.
Today is the last day of my Alaska trip. I have had an
unbelievable time. I will never forget it, and I can say without
hesitation that it had been the most incredible thing I've ever been part
of. There are too many people to thank. All those who work at ARCUS, the
people at the National Science Foundation that funded everything, and all
those in Deering. Thank you all, and good luck.

Mathew Sturm in the permafrost tunnel.

Elisa waits for a shot while Noa, Wendy and Myrtle eat, and Wendy's husband Andy cooks.

Waiting for Renee at 5:45 A.M.
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