9 July, 1998
07/09/98 A Day in Barrow
***Up early with breakfast at the NARL (the old Naval Arctic
Research Laboratory) cafeteria - A trip out to the DOE's (Department of
Energy's) ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement) facility with Chris Savok
and director Phil Utley - tour of NOAA's (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration) CMDL (Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory) with
director Dan Endres - Lunch at Northern Lights Café (optimistic fortune
cookies for Tim and Aaron) - Chris Savok provides a whale blubber and skin
snack - a quick nap - E-mail and computer trials - a walk on the
northernmost U.S. beach - dinner at Arctic Pizza with more great
conversation with Anne Jensen. ***
We visited DOE's ARM facility with quick-witted, informative
director Phil Utley. This facility was first brought on line this spring
and is monitoring atmospheric moisture, clouds and heat. The overall
purpose of this facility is to look into climate change. Phil gave us a
complete tour and we got the chance to see and hear about most of his
instruments. From ARM Phil took us up the road to NOAA's CMDL (Climate
Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory) where we met with its director, Dan
Endres. Dan has been here for over a decade and is looking at both
aerosols and the smaller condensation parcticles in the atmosphere. His
equipment is going through some upgrades so we were able to see both old
and new ways to collect this data. Dan was a font of information, and we
discussed climate change with him for some time. Early to bed tonight
because we travel by small plane to Deering tomorrow - I can't wait.
Our last day in Barrow was filled with more excitement. As Tim
Conner said, the tours of the different facilities were incredible. It
really is neat to see the equipment, and technicians that operate it, in
action. I've grown up hearing about all sorts of different climate and
weather facts and news, and to see the actual instruments and facilities
that are used to compile that information was fascinating. Anybody can set
up a rain guage and an anemometer, but the official facilities are very
I've got to comment on the food, not only in Barrow, but Alaska
itself. Since coming here we've eaten Thai, Mexican, Chinese, and
American. It all started with the Thai restaurant in Fairbanks, which was
absolutely outstanding. I can think of few meals that have had that many
different and distinct flavors. Then Barrow, where every menu we
encountered had a choice of Mexican, Chinese, Italian, and American. The
Mexican in Pepe's, the Chinese in Northern Lights, and the burger in
Brower's Café were perhaps the best I've had anywhere. Who would have
thought such a high quality selection would be available in Barrow Alaska?
We just scratched the surface of all that is going on in Barrow,
and it would be so nice to spend some more time here. Tomorrow we are off
to Deering to finally begin the archaeology.

ARM facility on the tundra at Barrow.
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