12 February, 2002
A few days ago, a person needed to be rescued from a crevasse
in the glacier! No, this wasn't a real emergency. Tom Cohenour,
coordinator of FEMC, volunteered to be a "victim" who had fallen into a
large crack in the ice. He did this so that the Glacier Search and Rescue
(GSAR) team members could practice their skills.
People go out onto the glacier for science and for exercise. The GSAR team
keeps the trail well marked with a safe zone for walking. However, if a
person ever goes against the rules, walks beyond the black flags and away
from the safe area, he might fall into a crevasse. So, the GSAR team holds
a monthly drill in search and rescue methods.
First the team met in the morning to discuss the exercise. Doug Fink, the
GSAR team leader, explained that Tom would be lowered down on a rope into a
crevasse. He would be about 50 feet down within the glacier. Then a team
member would be lowered down to Tom. That person would get Tom into a
stretcher and stay with him until he could be rescued. Doug led a
discussion with the GSAR team about ropes, pulleys, and rescue techniques.
The team packed lunches and checked their equipment. They hiked up to the
glacier. Tom was lowered down into the crevasse. The team set up the ropes
and pulleys. Jeff Bechtel was lowered down to Tom. When Tom was in the
litter, Jeff attached himself to the litter also. He held the litter in a
horizontal position. Then the team pulled them both up to the top of the
crevasse. As Jeff and Tom got up to the last 8 feet below the top, the
surface hole got smaller. It was about the size of one of our dining room
tables, or about 6 feet by 2.5 feet. There were also some sharp icicles
right beneath the surface. So, Tom had to be turned to a vertical position
in order to be pulled out of the crevasse!
The team (and victim) were out on their practice rescue exercise for five
hours. The rescue itself took about 2 hours, with 45 minutes spent in
pulling Tom and Jeff out of the crevasse! When the team got back, they
discussed their day.
Laura Hamilton, one of the GSAR team members, took the photos of the actual
"rescue" on the glacier. Thanks, Laura, for sharing your photos with

The GSAR team and "victim" before the rescue exercise. Front row, from left to right, they are Orion Carlisle, Barbara Watson, and Laura Hamilton. Back row, left to right: Brenda Walker, Brittney Baldwin, "victim" Tom Cohenour, Doug Fink holding Jeff Bechtel.

Doug Fink, GSAR leader. Doug has just explained the rescue exercise for the day.

GSAR team members Jeff Bechtel and Laura Hamilton before the trek up the glacier.

Brittney Baldwin with the ropes and other rescue equipment. She is ready to go up on the glacier!

GSAR team members Barbara Watson, Brenda Walker, and Orion Carlisle. They have all their equipment and they are ready to go!

The Rescue 1. Barb Watson and Doug Fink are ready to belay. Photo by Laura Hamilton

2.GSAR team ready to pull: Barb Watson, Doug Fink, Orion Carlisle, Brittney Baldwin, Brenda Walker. Photo by Laura Hamilton

3. Jeff Bechtel and "victim" Tom Cohenour are now visible. Photo by Laura Hamilton

4. Jeff and Tom are getting closer. Photo by Laura Hamilton

5. Tom protects his head from the icicles. Photo by Laura Hamilton

6. Notice the size and the jagged shape of the surface hole. Photo by Laura Hamilton

7. Tom nears the top! Photo by Laura Hamilton

8. The litter is turned and becomes almost vertical. Photo by Laura Hamilton

9. Tom is almost out! Photo by Laura Hamilton

10.Notice that smile! Tom is out of the glacier and the team can stop pulling! Photo by Laura Hamilton
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