26 February, 2002
Jennifer Tabor is one of the cooks here at Palmer Station.
She teaches home economics at Skyview High School in Soldotna, Alaska.
Jennifer is originally from Iowa, but she has lived in Alaska for 21 years.
Jennifer is on sabbatical from the high school. She has also worked in a
rural area vocational school, and she used to fly out to villages where she
would spend two weeks at a time teaching home economics. She taught
cooking, sewing, and childcare. Now she teaches many other things as well
at Skyview High School, as well. In fact, Jennifer was Alaska State Home
Economics Teacher of the Year in 1997. In 1998, Jennifer was National Home
Economics Teacher of the Year-for all the United States!!
Jennifer takes the first shift in cooking, so that is breakfast, lunch, and
food for breaks. She and Wendy Beeler overlap in the kitchen, of course.
Wendy and Jennifer are great cooks (see journal of January 26th for more
about Wendy) Jennifer bakes a lot of cookies, and they are very hard to
resist. Jennifer thought that a cookie math problem would be great. (Do
you suppose she suggested that because she has seen how many cookies I have
Jennifer takes a recipe (see below) and multiplies the ingredients times 6.
Then she converts the measurements to weight. It is more accurate and more
efficient to weigh the ingredients rather than using volume as we do for
home cooking in the United States. She bakes a third of the batter at a
time, and freezes the rest of the batter for baking later.
So, here's the math: take the recipe below, multiply ingredients times 6.
Then convert those measurements into weight. What's the recipe for Jennifer
's oatmeal cookies?
First, here are some equivalents:
Butter: 4 sticks = 2 cups = 1 pound
Flour: 4 cups = 1 pound
Brown sugar: 2 cups = I pound
Granulated sugar: 2 cups = 1 pound
Oatmeal: 6 cups = 1 pound
Raisins: 3 cups = 1 pound
Water: 2 cups = 1 pound
Eggs: 2 cups = 10 eggs = 1 pound
"Vanishing Oatmeal Raisin Cookies" from the box lid of Quaker Oats
1 cup butter or margarine (2 sticks)
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspooon vanilla
1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cups Quaker Oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked)
1 cup raisins.
Beat together butter and sugars until creamy.
Add eggs and vanilla; beat well.
Add flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt; mix well.
Stir in oats and raisings; mix well.
Drop by rounded tablespoons onto ungreased cookie sheet. (Jennifer uses a
food scoop).
Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
Cool 1 minutes on cookie sheet; remove to wire rack. Makes about 4 dozen.
Watch those cookies vanish!!!

The baking center contains all the ingredients the cooks need. Notice the scales they use for weighing out the ingredients!

Jennifer Tabor is making cookies!!

Here you see the four cookie jars, in addition to other desserts!

Jennifer cooks main dishes, soups, salads, and other things besides cookies! Here she is flattening chicken pieces in preparation for a lunch meal.

Jennifer is cutting these bar cookies so that people will have some goodies for afternoon break!

This mixer is used for making large batches of dough and other items.
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