6 March, 2002
Today I returned to my home in Corvallis, Oregon. First I
travelled across the Drake Passage on the LM Gould. It took us four days to
reach Punta Arenas, Chile. The trip was rather calm, considering how rough
the Drake Passage can be! We sailed through the Strait of Magellan and on
to the port of Punta Arenas, Chile. That's the city we left when the Gould
sailed south on January 2, 2002.
I spent a day in Punta Arenas, and then flew from there to Santiago, Chile.
I took an overnight flight from Santiago to Dallas, Texas. After waiting
several hours at the airport there, I flew to Portland, Oregon, where my
husband was waiting to greet me ! Then we drove two hours to our home. All
together, my trip took about 29 hours from Punta Arenas to Corvallis ! (I'm
glad I can sleep on airplanes !)
It was a wonderful experience to be at Palmer Station. I hope that other
teachers will consider applying for this program. Applications are
available at this TEA website : ../join_tea_reply.html
It is also wonderful to be at home, though it seems a little strange. I
haven't needed door keys, car keys, or money while I was at Palmer Station.
I didn't have to drive a car, shop, cook, pay bills, or think about what we
should have for supper! We didn't have television to watch, radio to listen
to, or telephones to answer! We didn't see children, either, so it was very
nice to drive by a school playground today and see the children playing.
Thanks to all the students, teachers, and other people who sent me email
messages and questions while I was at Palmer Station. Special thanks go to
the students and teachers at Linn-Benton Community College, Corvallis,
My thanks to the National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs and
Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education (EISE) for their
support of this project and to Drs. Hugh Ducklow and Rebecca Dickhut of the
VIMS POPs science group. I also thank Dr. Stephanie Shipp, Rice University,
Principal Investigator of the TEA Antarctic group.
These journals were only possible because many people shared their stories
with me. I thank the scientists who work on bacteria, phytoplankton,
zooplankton (especially krill), seabirds, and the chemistry of plants and
starfish. Finally, I thank especially the entire Palmer Station Raytheon
Polar Services staff for sharing their time and talents with me. They
explained their work, gave me content for math problems, and allowed
themselves to be photographed for this TEA website. Many staff members also
answered specific email questions from students, and others contributed
digital images.
This was a great group of people at Palmer Station this "summer"! I will
miss them.

1. It was hard to see much of Palmer Station as we left on the ship. It was a snowy day.

2. It is hard to show the ocean when the swells are high. We had only one evening of somewhat rough water.

3. We had a beautiful sunset on one of our last evenings.

4. Punta Arenas, Chile as it looked when we arrived.

5. The Strait of Magellan on a very calm morning!

6. Punta Arenas from a hillside view.

7. My family and friends welcomed me home.

8. Here is a great welcome home sign from my friends.

9. A parade of penguins decorated the stairs.

10. Just in case I missed the glacier, there was a photo in the freezer!!
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