3 April, 2003
Final Day of Drilling And Answers to Various Questions
Another warm 31 degree F day on Little Diomede with
no wind and partly sunny, the kind of day you only
need three layers of gear. We have one final hole to
drill before we begin collecting samples from the
sites on a routine basis.
The final hole is to be located 600 feet from the
science shack. This site is important because it is
the potential location of a permanent water intake
pump that is proposed in order to collect data year
Before we could use the augers we had to hand dig
and remove about four feet of snow and ice chunks
forming a four-foot by four-foot hole. And if that was
not enough fun we drilled sixteen four-foot deep holes
side by side within the four by four hole. Once all of
the ice was removed we could begin using the
seven-foot auger. The ice is very deep in this area
since it is older and has piled high over the winter.
It is important to dig as deep as possible before you
drill so you have a better chance of reaching the open
After about three hours of digging and drilling we
hit seawater. Unfortunately it was only a pocket of
water and more ice lay beneath it. The flooding now
made it impossible to continue drilling so we had to
temporarily abandon the effort. We will try again at a
later time.
Since I have extra down time today I would like to
use the opportunity to answer a few of the many
questions I have received from my TEA web page.
Q: How do you stay warm while working outside in the
cold? A: Two things to remember when working in the cold
are, first is to dress in layers and second is to keep dry. Each day we work
outside, especially on windy days, I usually wear five layers, including my
parka and wind pants. I wear two pairs of gloves, a thin pair and a
thicker water resistant outer pair, two pairs of socks and monster
huge insulated boots. On my head and face I wear a balaclava, which
covers my neck, head and face except for my eyes and a thick wool
hat. If needed I have my parka hood to pull up. All of this gear adds
up to about 35 pounds of clothing and takes me about 10 to 15 minutes
to put on (much better than the 20 to 25 minutes it took me when I
first arrived here)
Q: What do you eat up there?
A: We brought most of our food with us and there is
a small store on the island. We eat pretty much the same things we
normally did at home. We do not get a lot of fresh fruits or
vegetables out here so that is something that everyone misses. We
drink a lot of very strong coffee and also alot of water. The biggest
difference is when we eat. Lunch could be at noon or two, dinner at
or nine. We eat when we get back from the field.
Q: What do you do for fun while you are there?
A: Sleep! No actually right now we do not have a lot
of free time. We work hard and everyone is pretty tired at the end of the day.
Sometimes we play basketball with the local residents at night around
eleven. We do not have a TV or clear radio stations. I usually spent
my free time writing and submitting my daily journals and answering
the many questions I receive from students across the United States.
I will try to add a few questions and answers periodically as I
receive them. Thank you for all of your questions. I have been
surprised at the number of

My turn at drilling a few holes
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