4 April, 2003
Technology in the Field
Data and Samples
The use of scientific instruments and technology
under Arctic conditions can provide some rather
challenging circumstances as well as lead to some
interesting and creative problem solving. It can also
lead to mind numbing frustrations as well. Tasks that
most of us take for granted as everyday commonplace
activities can take on whole new visions and methods
of trial and error.
The simple task of even sending my journals and
images has required three different laptop computers,
a zip drive, two separate cameras and a whole lot of
patience and determination. It is not a matter of lack
of technology nor is it a case of knowing how, it is
simply a case were unfortunate circumstances have had
a domino effect where one problem created another.
Such is the case in any field research where field
conditions are less that perfect, you adapt, you
rethink, or you recreate. And above all you must
remember two important notes. First, stuff happens and
second, Mother Nature rules! (Such was the case when a
freak Wisconsin ice storm postponed our live broadcast
today despite all technology in place and all parties
concerned ready. Oh well, we shall overcome this too.)
We use a variety of scientific instruments that
have been commercially made and purchased and function
great under normal conditions. Being here, near the
Arctic Circle, conditions would not fall into the
typical definition of normal conditions. Temperature,
ice, wind and saltwater reek havoc on instruments and
equipment and on many occasions instruments need to be
refitted with homemade adapters or new equipment made
from scratch.
More and more each day I understand that conducting
research in the field requires individuals with a
variety of skills. One sometimes needs to be an
engineer, carpenter, electrician, plumber, computer
specialist, recycler and visionary. (Basically the
type of person you could place in the middle of
nowhere with only a pocket knife and they could create
a shopping mall.) A person also must possess enormous
self-help skills, tolerance, and determination to get
you through the times when things don’t go as planned.
Using a small pump attached to a fifty-foot
flexible hose made by Lou and Jim we set out today to
collect samples and data from our eight drill sites.
Guided by our GPS coordinates we relocated the holes
and lowered the weighted pump and hose to a depth of
about one meter below the bottom of the ice. The pump
was activated by attaching it to a small battery and
began pumping seawater. The pump was allowed to run
for five minutes in order to clear the hose of any ice
or slush. After five minutes the hose was placed into
a five-gallon bucket and allowed to fill. A sensor was
placed into the bucket to measure the waters salinity,
temperature and dissolved oxygen. The information was
recorded along with the site name and time. Two
nutrient samples were then drawn from the flowing hose
and collected in prepared vials. These samples are
then frozen and eventually sent to the University of
Maryland for analysis.
The same process is repeated after lowering the
pump to its maximum depth of fifty-feet. We visit each
of the eight drill sites twice during the course of
the day covering the ice from the far southern lead to
the far northern lead. A total of seven hours on the
ice left me feeling tired and covered in ice. A sort
of iced TEA effect!

Dr. Cooper collecting data at southern drill site.
Contact the TEA in the field at
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