29 October, 1998
I am officially in Antarctica now! We woke up at 3:45 am to catch a
shuttle at 4:15 am to report to the CDC at 4:45 am. We changed into our
ECW (extreme cold weather) gear and packed our "hold" baggage (the
baggage checked onto the plane and also the baggage that we would not be
able to retrieve until we got to Antarctica) and the "hand-carry"
baggage (containing at least one set of clothes in case the flight
boomeranged or was cancelled). We checked in with our baggage (which
consisted of weighing in with our baggage to make sure that we met
weight restrictions) and received our boarding passes (tags worn around
our neck). We then were free to go to the 60 Degrees Cafe in the
International Antarctic Centre for breakfast. I ate a small breakfast
but didn't drink anything so that I wouldn't have to use the
"facilities" during the flight. I had been prewarned. It turns out
that I didn't have to worry so much, and not drinking just dehydrated me
even more. They actually put the women at the front of the plane so
that they can use the crew toilet, whereas the men use the curtained
latrine at the back of the plane.
At 6:10 am we had a briefing and video on safety in Antarctica. Peter
Hillary and his team were on our flight, so there were a lot of media
people around for our flight. He and his team are Kiwis (New
Zealanders) who are attempting to walk from Scott Base (the Kiwi's base)
to the South Pole and back with Quadrofoils (sort of like skiing but
powered by sails that they hold onto). They are taking sleds of food
and having some food dropped along the way. Amazing! I asked him if I
could take a picture of he and his team and me for the web site...so you
can have documented proof that I met him!
At 6:30 we were given a speech on airplane rules and what to expect--
after all, it was a military jet that we were flying on-- a different
experience for the everyday civilian. At 7:00 am we boarded the
shuttles for the C-141, grabbing ear plugs on the way out. At 7:45 am
we boarded the C-141, men first since they were at the rear of the plane
and women last since we were to use the bathroom at the front of the
plane. Out of 48 passengers, 7 of us were female!
The plane was divided into two lengthwise sections-- where there were
sling-like seats facing each other on both sides. Someone was there to
help us buckle in and hand us an enormous paper bag full of lunch
goodies. There wasn't much leg room, and the person across from me
agreed to fit our legs in between each other so that we could stretch
out. I couldn't figure out why the flight crew (all dressed in
camouflage) was taking pictures like we were. Hadn't they been through
this a million times? It turns out that this plane normally makes runs
between a few other countries, and since the other C-141 was being fixed
(see Monday's journal), they grabbed this plane on its way through and
asked them to make a run to Antarctica. So they were just as excited as
we were.
There was a 2-hour ground delay, once we were on the plane. We took off
at 9:45 am and landed in Antarctica at 2:45 in the afternoon. The plane
was very noisy, so we all wore earplugs and attempted to get some
sleep. The plane was chilly, so that's why we had to wear our ECW
gear. I thought it became even colder as we neared Antarctica.
It was amazing to walk off of the plane and know that I was in
Antarctica. It was about 4 - 6 degrees Fahrenheit and the sun was
shining when we arrived. Beautiful white everywhere. Vast white seas
of ice ending in mountains of white...
We were taken by Ivan the Terra Bus to the Galley where we had a short
briefing on where we were staying at McMurdo and the rules of McMurdo.
We found our rooms, unloaded our things, visited the Crary Lab (the
science lab building here at McMurdo), met others of our team (Mark
Sappington and Jim Raymond), picked up our "hold" baggage at another
building, and had dinner at the Galley at around 6:30 pm. Nina and I
returned to our rooms to get ready for Happy Camper School (Winter
Survival Camp) the next day. We were to bring our ECW gear and anything
else we thought we would need for an overnight camping adventure in
We went to bed, tired but happy that we had made it to Antarctica.

Group photo of my team (John, me, Ed, Chris, and Nina)

Kiwi Expedition group with me and Betty (another TEA)...Jon Muir, Eric, me, Peter Hillary, and Betty

C-141 jet we flew on from Christchurch, NZ, to McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Inside the C-141...note the two sides and how people are facing each other
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