1 November, 1998
I slept in this morning until 9:45! I still had that killer of a
headache but gradually got rid of it by drinking tons of water. It's
amazing how much water your body needs here.
Nina and I had brunch at 10:15, and then we both went over to Crary Lab
to talk to our team about the jobs that need to be done for our hopeful
departure to the Dry Valleys on Tuesday.
Nina spent the day cleaning sample bottles with water, then acid. We
have to make sure that our samples are not contaminated with something
that may have already been in the bottles.
I talked with Chris about my research project and laid out my plan of
attack. One of my main responsibilities will be to map out 10 x 10 m
sections on the lake surfaces, separate into smaller grids, map out the
sediment covers on the ice, collect random sediment samples in each
grid, sieve them for different sizes, weigh them, bag them up for CHN
(carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen) analysis, and send them back to McMurdo for
analysis. Another of my responsibilities will be to collect sediment
samples from inside the ice and from sediment bottles that I will lower
down into the water column beneath the ice. The purpose of this is to
get an idea of: 1) the carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen distribution in
the sediment, ice, and water column, 2) what might the small microbes
be using as they live in and around the sediment, and 3) how microbe
life varies with the amount of sediment available. Small microbial life
(algae, cyanobacteria) have been found in the ice, parcticularly around
sediment clumps. When the ice melts, these organisms can
photosynthesize and grow. Why do they do this, and where do they get
their sources of energy? This is life in extreme environments...Jupiter
has a moon, Europa, with a frozen surface. Could life be found there
also? These are all questions we are trying to answer...
My task today was to catch up on e-mail and my journal entries. I spent
the majority of the afternoon doing so.
Since I'm not able to put as many pictures on my journal as I was able
to in Christchurch, I'm going to give you another web site address to
look at. Ben Hasse, a Boy Scout chosen to come down to Antarctica to
visit various teams, is a junior at Purdue University and took my
pictures of Happy Camper School to use on his web site. Therefore, you
can visit his web site and see more of my pictures on his Oct. 30-31
journal (http://expert.cc.purdue.edu/bjhasse/antarctica.htm).
It's 10:00 pm here and still as bright out as this afternoon. It really
throws you off...I didn't realize it was so late. Until tomorrow...

Nina spending the day washing sample bottles for the field

Jim Raymond (part of our team), pouring concentrated HCl under a fume hood. Note that he has his eyes covered! If he were not wearing glasses, he could damage his eyes severely with the acid.
Contact the TEA in the field at
If you cannot connect through your browser, copy the
TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
your favorite e-mail package.