19 October, 2003
The strongest gust last night was 57mph. The maximum wind chill was
-48F. That about says it all, as that pattern continued throughout
today. What do you do when it's just too bad to go out? Well, we've
each had endless mugs of tea and cocoa, searched the pantry for
interesting edibles, set-up our stovetop oven to make pizza, and read
books. At one point it almost seemed to be clearing, but luckily we
didn't jump to our feet and layer up for a trip to the South Base
seal colony since the next bit of this storm moved right in.
Watching the low-lying ground blizzard swirling to the east and west
of us gave me great incentive to learn to use a GPS (global
positioning system) when Darren offered me a brief lesson. A GPS
works much better than a compass down here, since the magnetic South
Pole spends most of its time wandering aimlessly-it shifts position
approximately every 5 years. In addition, the declination you must
use to compensate for the difference between magnetic and true south
is so great that it makes using your compass an exercise in futility.
When would a handheld GPS come in handy? How about if you're caught
in a whiteout and would like to get back to camp? We have programmed
the GPS with the coordinates (latitude and longitude) for our camp.
In theory, you could use the GPS to determine your current location
and then, moving along on your snowmobile, you could determine the
direction you must take to get back to camp. In a worst-case
scenario, you could use the GPS to find out your exact location and
radio this information to Mac Opps for help.
Days like this are just part of the program for life in Antarctica
and field research, in general. You can't fight the weather-in fact,
it would be an incredible show of hubris on our part to even think we
could ignore or control all aspects of our environment. So, for now,
it's a great day to catch up on reading and rest up for the seal
tagging to come.
Daily Haiku:
Wind gusts rock the hut
Swirling snow obscures the sky
Have some more cocoa

Impervious to the elements

Too windy to work

Blowing snow obscures our view of Mt. Erebus and keeps us from venturing out across the ice
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