27 October, 2003
Is it really spring? It certainly felt like it today. The skies
were a brilliant blue, the winds were non-existent, and the
temperatures were in the mid-teens. All in all, it was as good as it
gets. Gillian and I set off for Little Razorback, Tryggve Point,
Turk's Head, and North Base in search of pups to be tagged. Darren,
Kelly, and Mark spent the day at Big Razorback weighing seals. It
was a successful day for both groups.
Gillian and I found few adults that needed tagging, but ended the day
having tagged 18 new pups. Most were at Turk's Head, lounging with
their mothers in the sun. Today was my chance to perfect my pup
tagging technique. While tagging pups doesn't involve any bagging
dance, it does require a fair bit of agility. We work in pairs and
split the chores between us. One person is the tagger, while the
other distracts the mother by waving a bamboo pole with a red flag on
it near her face.
Of course, it isn't always as easy as this makes it sound. Some
mothers are extremely protective and will roll almost on top of their
pups to keep you from getting near them. They snap menacingly as you
approach and cover the pup with a flipper. If you are patient, you
will eventually be able to pull the pup away long enough to tag it.
Some pups are equally menacing. They rear back and snap their
almost-toothless mouths at you or nip at your boots or pants (a good
reason to wear loose pants and those big bunny boots). I am always
amazed at how strong the pups are and how tenaciously they can pull
themselves across the ice with their front flippers. Assuming that
the pup and mother cooperate, the tagger steps in to hold the pup and
use the pliers to apply the tags to the flippers. What can go wrong
at this stage? Sometimes the tags slip in the pliers and need to be
re-aligned before they will go through the flippers. Sometimes the
pup wriggles so frantically that you need to chase them across the
ice or snow, on your knees with pliers in hand until you can hold
them long enough to attach the tags. As with anything, practice makes
perfect-or at least a bit better. After tagging 12 of the 18 pups
yesterday, I feel like I may be getting the hang of it.
The weighing crew had an excellent day. By late afternoon they had
weighed a total of 11 adult seals. To put this in perspective,
during the entire last season Darren was able to weigh 32 adults.
Why the dramatic increase in weighing success? It's all about the
sled. Last year he was using a sled that was less than reliable. It
was much heavier, set-up was difficult and the actual weighing
mechanism did not always work. This year's sled was designed to
address all those difficulties and, so far, is doing its job well.
What does a seal weigh? The pups have ranged from 24 to 40.5 kg.
Adult weights so far have ranged from 368 to 525kgs. Interestingly
enough, the heaviest pups have not belonged to the heaviest mothers.
It will be interesting to compare their birth weights with their
weights when they are weaned in another 6 weeks.

Today I had plenty of practice tagging seal pups.

A seal pops up through a hole in the ice to check on what we're doing.

It's a beautiful day at North Base.
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