28 October, 2003
As I saddled up for this morning's commute to
South Base and points beyond to tag the newest
pups, it occurred to me just how different my
life is here on Erebus Bay compared to life in
Carbondale, Colorado. Most of us commute to
work, either by car, bus, on foot, or by bike.
My commute here in Antarctica just happens to be
by snowmobile.
On a typical morning at home I rise, brush my
teeth and comb my hair, choose an outfit for the
day, and have my breakfast of hot tea and cold
cereal and toast. After breakfast I go out to
the garage, start the car, and take off for work.
If I'm riding my bike to work I usually layer-up
with fleece and windproof gear to keep me warm
during the 15-mile ride. Either way, it's your
basic sort of commute.
Here in Antarctica it's much the same. I slither
out of my warm sleeping bag and pull on warm
clothes for the 2-second trek to the kitchen hut.
After a mug of hot tea and a bowl of cold cereal,
and perhaps some toast, it's usually time to get
ready for the day. It's easy to choose an
outfit-just put on the same 3 pairs of long
underwear bottoms and 2 tops I wore the day
before and pull my black wind pants on top of it
all. Underneath my white bunny boots I cover my
feet with 2 pairs of socks-a thin liner and a
pair of thick woolen socks. On top of all that,
I wear a radio, neatly strapped into a chest
harness. I usually wear a fleece vest on top
over all that underneath my red down parka. Oh
yeah, don't forget the neck gaiter, balaclava,
and hat, as well as the goggles and gloves.
So then it's out to the garage-oops, no garage
out here in Antarctica, just a line of
snowmobiles under their covers. We take off the
covers, slide on the side baskets, put our ECW
bags with extra clothes in the storage boxes,
load tagging equipment and lunch in the side
baskets, and get ready to start them up. This is
the first aerobic activity of the day. Sometimes
they start on the first pull of the cord-but
that's usually only to fool you into thinking
they will actually keep going. Most days it
takes quite a few tugs of the starter cord to get
them going while you hold onto the throttle to
give them some gas so they won't die (meanwhile
you're trying to pull on your parka that you took
off during the repeated cord tuggings). While
many commuters have cell phone hook-ups in their
cars, our snowmobiles have GPS (global
positioning system) holders instead, to use if we
are navigating in a white-out.
Once your machine is warmed up, it's time to pull
up your hood and put your goggles on over it and
pull your neck gaiter up over your nose and tuck
it under your goggles to keep your nose snugly
covered. That's about when I remember that I
really wanted to put in my ear plugs-so I must
snake my hand in under all those layers to deftly
place the ear plugs.
Everything's in place, everyone's ready, and off
we roar over the sastrugi. The scenery for this
drive is magnificent-if I can take my eyes off
the path ahead of me long enough to take in the
view. Mount Erebus rises 13,000' above us to the
east. If the winds are calm, its smoke plume
lingers around the top. We cruise along, bumping
and bouncing over drifts and cruising across the
flats. Don't forget to turn left at the next
crack. Just your basic commuteŠ..
Daily Haiku:
Commute across ice
Bouncing over sastrugi
Watch out for the cracks

Ready for today's commute.
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