4 August, 2003
Meeting the team and learning the Basics!
The University of Illinois at Chicago is situated within blocks
of the water front to Lake Michigan. It is a beautiful campus and
city; I have had a chance to visit the "Field Museum" and the "Shedd
Aquarium". The main purpose of my visit to Chicago, however, is to
meet the research team I will be joining in Antarctica.
There will be four team members during this field season:
Principal Investigator (PI) Peter Doran, Phillip (Phil) Allen, Roman
Borochia, and myself. Today, Peter began by showing Phil and I
(Roman is currently out of town) a PowerPoint presentation that
provided insight into how we will get to Antarctica, what life will
be like while we are there, and of course about the work we will be
doing. It will be quite an adventure!
One of our tasks while in Antarctica will be to retrieve data
from the weather stations which have been monitoring conditions such
as temperature, wind speed and direction, and relative humidity at
their respective locations. Retrieving the data will entail removing
data storage modules from the weather stations, downloading the data
from the modules to a computer, changing batteries, resetting the
modules, and reconnecting them to the weather stations. We must be
proficient with this procedure so we can work efficiently in the
field and be able to trouble shoot any problems that may occur. So .
. . Phil and I started our training with the basics; hooking up a
temperature/relative humidity probe to a "21X" Campbell Scientific
datalogger and programming it to record measurements every 2 seconds
and then to send the collected data to a storage module each hour.
Learning the language of the datalogger provided the first
obstacle, but with a little practice, and correcting a few errors, we
had the system up and running. The datalogger was set to collect
data throughout the night; tomorrow we will retrieve the data from
the storage module and progress to the next level of programming.

1) The water front area of Chicago.

2) Principal Investigator: Peter Doran, left and Phil Allen, right.

3) The "21X" Datalogger.
Contact the TEA in the field at
If you cannot connect through your browser, copy the
TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
your favorite e-mail package.