26 April, 2003
Samples, Activities, Back to Kotzebue
Today in Kotzebue
It is a beautiful, clear , cold morning here on the Chukchi Sea.
What science is happening? Today we
will be sampling at the holes that that Alex, Lisa and Melinda drilled
yesterday. What did you come up with yesterday, when I asked “Why
don’t we drill and sample the same day?” The reason is that the water
column is disturbed when we drill and our samples would not be accurate
if we sampled right after putting 6 feet of auger in the hole and
stirring everything up.
We did the same type of sampling that Terry and I did yesterday; we
took CTD readings, a Seki Disc measurement, used the Neskin bottle to
get a water sample from the bottom and took two mud grabs. We were
able to sample 6 of the 7 holes that had been drilled. The 7th hole
was under water and we couldn’t sample.
When we came back to camp, Melinda and I packed, washed dishes and
made lunch. While Charlie Lean, from the National Park Service, who
joined us this morning, Terry and Lisa drilled some ice cores to take
back and test for algae.
We then loaded the sleds, mounted our snow machines and headed the 30
miles for home across the Kotzebue Sound ice.
Classroom Connection 1 Remember
when Imik was underwater and we couldn’t sample. It isn’t that the ice
is unsafe, there is still 6 feet of it, it is that the water on the
top, leaking into the holes is fresh water. Rainwater and ice when it
melts is all fresh water, that means that there is no salt in it. The
lagoon, connected to the sea, will have salt water in it. Question
1 Does salt water freeze? Ok, I’ll answer that one for you
No…at least not until it gets rid of the salt. As the sea freezes,
fresh water bands together and becomes ice. The salt water is super
concentrates and makes little holes in the ice, draining to the bottom,
under the form ice. These are called brine channels. Question
2 Having that information about how salt water behaves when it
freezes, what do you think the salinity of the water right below the
ice is (How much salt is in the water, more or less than before it
froze)? Question 3 Why? Question 4 Now I asked this
question yesterday, you have more information now…Why do you think
people put salt on icy side walks?
Classroom Connection 2
Was I cold traveling in the Arctic Circle on a snow machine across
a windswept ocean inlet? No, not at all. The only chill I felt was on
the back of my head when my hood filled with air. We always were long
underwear under our clothes. Then comes a layer of fleece (like thick
sweat shirts) then comes the outer layer of bibbed overalls and a down
parka. A neck gator (warm wrap around the neck that can be pulled over
the face), hat, two pair of gloves and goggles complete the ensemble.
In fact I was more often too warm than too cold. Question 4
What about layers of clothing is a good insulator? Hint: What
do you have between the layers of clothing?…if you said “nothing” you
are not entirely right. If you close an empty milk carton what is
inside? Have you heard the word “insulation”? Question
5 What do you think would make a good insulator? <Question 6
(I’m keeping you busy today, huh?) What do animals do to
insulate themselves against the cold? Hint: What do polar bears, for
example have that keeps them warm? I’m sure you thought of fur, but
have you thought of fat (blubber)? Try this at home You
need: a one-gallon (approximately)container several trays of ice
cubes 4 quart size Ziploc bags 2 cups of shortening or
lard Any materials that you think would insulate you from the cold,
such as fur or feathers or cotton Procedure 1.) Put shortening
into a Ziploc bag 2.) Take another Ziploc bag, cover your hand with
it and stick it in the blubber. Squish blubber around until it covers
your hand (between the two bags. DON’T touch the blubber) 3.) Seal
the two Ziploc bags to each other, so the blubber can’t get out.
4.) Seal another source of insulation (feather, fur, what ever you
are trying) between the other 2 Ziplocs in the same way. Dump ice
into gallon container, fill the rest with cold water. 5.) Put both
Ziploc bags on your hand like mittens and put in ice water What to
notice: Which hand feels warmer? Try different insulators to
compare with blubber. What do you think is the best insulator?
As I zoomed home, I began to think that this would be my last
snowmobile ride. The snow is melting, the ice is breaking up and the
rest of our work this trip will be in town. It is a different world to
be out seeing white in all directions, even though I was with others, I
was in my own world. Because we couldn’t hear or speak as we traveled,
it led me to some deep introspection. I felt a peace that seldom comes
in our busy world.
more about our project here View curriculum for this project, “Ask a Scientist” and
learn about other Arctic Real Time research at Arctic Alive City of
Kotzebue Webpage Listen to the local radio station KOTZ live

Charlie Leam from the National Park Service pointed out the caribou carcass under the snow. If you look close you can see where the squirels have nibbled on the antlers to get the calcium.

This is Lisa using a Neskin Bottle to take water samples from the bottom of Krusenstern Lagoon.
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