6 August, 2002
Hello from the Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory
Today at CRREL
Here I am at my orientation to the TEA Program at CRREL (Cold Regions
Research and Engineering Laboratories) in scenic Hanover NH.
All 12 of the 2003/2004 TEAs came in on Sunday and we have been
learning about the TEA program what to expect and what is expected of
I have come to realize what a demanding road I am beginning. The
Arctic field experience on which I will embark and my transfer of
information to the community is a monumental task albeit an
exceedingly important one I am receiving exceptional training to
help me along the way.
Today we were able to tour CRREL. Margery Darling the Public Affairs
Specialist showed us the facilities. We were able to tour the cold
rooms where scientific samples are stored until they can be studied
At -20 F we got our first taste of polar weather.
We learned about many of the important projects that CRREL undertakes
Their primary responsibility is to support the armed forces In
addition to the TEA program antifreeze additives have been developed
to aid in winter concrete construction ice flow in river locks is
studied seasonal flooding is examined and various other cold weather
related situations are simulated and investigated.
Classroom Connections
While you are getting ready to begin your school year perhaps
complaining about the summer heat there are researchers support staff
and teachers who are in the Arctic wilderness Currently TEA Dallas
Trople a high school science teacher in Sedro-Woolley Washington is
working in the Matanuska valley northeast of Palmer Alaska Also TEA
Betty Carvellas, a science teacher at Essex High School in Essex
Junction Vermont is on USCGC Healy traveling through Bering Strait
and into the Chukchi and Beaufort seas of the Arctic Ocean.
While there is a lot to learn and a lot to do I have gained a new
confidence in my abilities as I look at other "regular" teachers and
the amazing things that they have accomplished I personally can't
wait to find out about prepare for and educate others in my research
project area Please feel free to follow along with me and grow with

Contact the TEA in the field at
If you cannot connect through your browser, copy the
TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
your favorite e-mail package.