29 October, 2001
Going South
Hurrah! We're here!! What a day. So many things happened today that it
feels like it's been two days instead of just one. We got up bright and
early to be out at the airport at 6 AM. It was easy to get up because
the excitement made it hard to sleep anyway. We changed into our cold
weather gear, had breakfast, and then had a quick briefing on what to
expect. Then we went through securityand boarded the plane. We lucked
out today because we flew in a C-141, which is much faster than a C-130.
So instead of an eight hour flight, we only had a 5 hour flight. We
were packed in pretty tightly on this cargo plane, but it still seemed
better than the sardine feeling you get on a fully-loaded commercial
plane. The weather was fairly clear, so we knew we would make it into
McMurdo and not have to turn back because of bad weather. The flight
crew was very friendly, and I got to go into the cockpit--quite a lot of
instruments in there. They had 2 pilots and 2 navigators. I'm sure glad
they knew what they were doing! I spent most of the flight dozing and
reading. We had to stay pretty bundled up because it was cold, although
they did have the heat on.
And then...we landed! I've been waiting a year and a half for this
moment so you can imagine how thrilled I was. After stepping off the
plane I just immersed myself in the scenery., one of the biggest reasons
I wanted to come. We were out in the middle of a sheet of ice (McMurdo
Sound), surrounded by snow-covered mountains. It reminded me of the
Rockies in the middle of winter. Just spectacular! We boarded a bus
called Ivan the Terrible and headed into town. I learned later that the
ice was only 12-feet thick, which seems awful thin when you think of
landing an airplane on it.
Ivan brought us safely into McMurdo Station right up to the National
Science Foundations's building. We had another briefing about our
schedules for the first few days and then we were off to our rooms--a
very welcomed site after the long trip. McMurdo is on a volcanic island
called Ross Island. It doesn't seem like an island, though, because
it's surrounded by ice instead of water and it seems like you're on
land. The town is not the least bit fancy--mostly aluminum and wood
buildings and dirt roads. I was surprised that the snow had melted
enough already to expose the dirt. The town has it's own little chapel,
a firehouse, dorms (where we sleep), a dining hall that serves cafeteria
style, a big building of offices and labs for the scientists, and
various other buildings that are needed to run a town. There is even a
little coffee house and a gym were they hold exercise classes.
I found out today that we'll be in McMurdo for about 10 days just
getting all our food and equipment organized and packed up.
Tomorrow--snow school.
Temperature: -15 C; 5 F
Wind: 8 knots
Wind Chill: -25 C; -13 F

Preflight briefing in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Inside the cargo plane.

Safe landing in McMurdo.

First sighting of McMurdo from the airstrip. McMurdo is nestled under the hill in the lower right.

National Science Foundation in McMurdo.
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