22 February, 1999
February 22, 1999
Hello from the Ross Sea! This morning, I woke up very early and really
didn't get back to sleep. The ship was rocking back and forth, and I was
rolling in my bunk! Outside, the waves didn't look that high . . . but
they were splashing on the back deck every now and then. Although the
waves did get better by mid-morning, they continue even now (8:00 p.m.) to
rock the ship. Thankfully, I didn't feel the least bit seasick!
We conducted a big multibeam survey today, and we were able to take only
one core due to the weather. Tonight, the night shift will finish the
multibeam survey and possibly take a core or two if the seas die down.
After that, we are heading further west. By tomorrow, we will be in
Sulzberger Bay. Sulzberger Bay is actually part of the Amundsen Sea. It
is a bay that is located in front of the Sulzberger Ice Shelf between
Edward VII Peninsula and the Ruppert Coast. It is situated along the coast
of Marie Byrd Land, and it was first discovered by Rear Admiral Richard
Evelyn Byrd on December 5, 1929. Byrd named the location after Arthur H.
Sulzberger, who was the publisher of the New York Times and a big financial
supporter of Byrd's expeditions to Antarctica. Who was Richard Evelyn Byrd?
So, have you thought about yesterday's question: "What types of food do you
think that we eat on the ship?" Well, if you remember those Valentine's
goodies, you should know that we eat VERY WELL! For breakfast, you can
order eggs cooked fresh on the grill. Usually, there's something like
french toast or pancakes available. There are always meat selections to
choose from, as well as breakfast standards such as biscuits, grits, and
oatmeal. In addition, there are several different types of cereals. My
favorite breakfasts have been the homemade cinnamon rolls and the homemade
bagels! Dr. Anderson was very happy because they made two types of
cinnamon rolls . . . those with raisins and those without raisins (he
doesn't like raisins). I prefer the rolls with raisins, and they are
We have an entire counter of drinks that we can choose from. These, along
with the desserts, are available at any time of the day or night. We have
a soda fountain with Coke products, coffee, hot tea, iced tea, water, fruit
punch, lemonade, orange drink, and milk (regular or lite). There is an ice
machine that dispenses crushed ice into your cup. We also have juice boxes
of orange juice and apple juice that we can take out of the cooler. It's
nice to have such a variety to choose from (it's certainly a better
selection than what you would find in my refrigerator at home).
The lunches and dinners have been terrific, and they have included
everything from tonight's lasagna to fried chicken to steak. We've also
had great catfish, calamari, spaghetti, hamburgers, and pork chops. My
favorite (so far) has been the night that we were served Mexican food. It
was better than the Mexican food in most restaurants. Tomorrow night,
Ernest is planning to BBQ on the grill (outside, on the 2nd deck)! We
always have some sort of homemade rolls or bread with every meal, and there
are new desserts made every day. Right now, we still have fresh fruits and
vegetables, although that will probably end in another week or so. As you
can probably guess, I'm definitely not starving aboard the Nathaniel B.
Palmer. I've talked with Ernest, our chef, about getting a tour of the
kitchen. When that happens, I'll make sure and take some pictures so that
you can see it too.
If you have any questions about Antarctica in general or the journals in
specific, don't hesitate to send them to me. If I don't know the answer
myself, I can certainly find someone who does. Part of my responsibilities
while I'm down here are to write the journal and to answer email questions
. . . and I really enjoy it! Don't think I've overlooked you if you don't
receive an answer. Sometimes, our email gets lost somewhere in cyberspace
between the United States and the ship. If you don't receive an answer
within 24-36 hours, please send your question again. Normally, I answer
all questions within 6-12 hours of receiving them. Since we upload and
download email up to four times a day (as long as we aren't heading south),
that means you would normally receive a response in less than 24 hours. I
look forward to hearing from you soon! See you tomorrow.
Kim Giesting
Latitude: 77 degrees 48 minutes South
Longitude: 161 degrees 55 minutes West
Temperature: -13 degrees C
Barometer: 993.2 mb
Wind Speed: 19 knots
Wind Direction: 226 degrees (winds are coming from the southwest)

Our drink selection in the galley of the Nathaniel B. Palmer.

Don is getting his dinner.

It's time for dinner on the N.B.P!
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