19 January, 2002
Weather High 15, Low 9
Saturday Routine Data from the three main Poker Flat ponds (MST &
two Secondary) are collected on Saturdays. All three are within the
research range, safe from snow machines (snowmobiles) and pedestrians. A
transect is an imaginary line marked with stakes posted at intervals of 5
or 10 meters. Snow samples, snow depth, snow temperature, and ice thickness
are measured at each marker.

1. Stakes posted every 5 meters in this transect. Drilling occasionally causes minor floods. (see slushy trail in front of Martin)

2. Hotwire gauge is a less destructive instrument used to measure ice thickness. More information on hotwire gauges will be provided soon.
Contact the TEA in the field at
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TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
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