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16 March, 2002Climate Partly Cloudy, High 38, Low 14 Temperatures are rising drastically! Data Calculations Recall your predications for today’s snow density at Jalpertia pond. 3/16/02 = .1694645 g/cm3 And Now the Science Behind Thermal Conductivity Thermal conductivity is the function of density, which has the ability to insulate and conduct through a unit area. The higher thermal conductivity, the higher snow density and heat flow. Using the wet sleeping bag analogy (same as dense snow), this is an example of high thermal conductivity and an indication of heat loss. April Cheuvront (8th grade science teacher from North Carolina) has returned to Alaska after 2 visits to Fairbanks and Council. Also a TEA teacher, she is here for the real thing. Her Principal Investigator (PI), Matthew Sturm and their team will be traversing from Nome to Barrow on snow machines carrying almost 6 weeks worth of food and equipment. She flies out to begin her adventures on March 20th. Click here for her journals and photos.
../tea_cheuvrontfrontpage.html Marge Porter, a TEA teacher from Connecticut has returned to Alaska once again. This week, she and two other TEA mentoring experts will present to teachers in Martin’s snow and ice course. Marge, who also studied lake ice at Poker Flat a couple of years ago, studied sea ice in Antarctica with Dr. Martin Jeffries. Click here to read her Antarctica and Arctic journeys.
href=../tea_porterantarcticapage.html> Antarctica journals Arctic journals So, What Do You Think? Why is dog sledding called dog mushing? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Sports - live college hoops coverage http://sports.yahoo.com/
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