3 November, 1999
Christchurch New Zealand Wednesday
NOTE: Photos have been added to all journals to date. Please check out the
people I have met and the places I have visited!
6:15 a.m. Picked up by shuttle at the Windsor and proceeded to Clothing
Distribution Center (CDC) where we again donned our Extreme Cold Weather
(ECW) gear and waited patiently in the lounge of the Antarctic Terminal.
9:00 a.m. Final boarding called for the C-141 transport to the ice! The
C-141 is a cargo jet not specifically designed with the passenger in mind!
The seats are netted. There are two aisles running parallel to the length
of the jet with seats on either side (that is, there are four rows of
seats). You become quite familiar with the people on each side of you and
to those directly in front because you are forced to sit shoulder to
shoulder and knee to knee! I have to sit like this is for how many hours?
I was lucky! I was the last civilian to board in my row and happily settled
into my seat with Julie on my right and Master Sergeant Kevin Hall on my
left. Across from me sat Master Sergeant Paul G. Zukoski. These gentlemen
are with the Air Mobile Command, an outfit from McChord Air Force Base in
Tacoma, WA made up of active and reserve United States Air Force personnel.
After showing me how to buckle up, Master Sergeant Hall and Master Sergeant
Zukoski were happy to talk about the jet, the trip south (Master Sergeant
Zukoski was part of the team that dropped supplies at the South Pole for the
doctor who was ill), my work as a teacher, and other topics.
The engines roared and the jet began moving along the tarmac. Again,
passenger comfort is not a top priority and so there were no windows to look
through. When it seemed as if we'd been taxiing to the runway quite a long
while, I asked if there was a problem. Sitting with the crew has its
advantages. I was told that a heater on the windshield was malfunctioning
and that we had to return to check out the problem. Master Sergeant Zukoski
told me it could be a quick fix or a 24 hour delay. Well, guess which one
it was!
Again, we were bussed backed to the terminal and changed into our street
clothes. I made Master Sergeant's Hall and Zukoski promise to save my seat
for tomorrow!
The remainder of the day has been spent getting my photos with my journal
pages. Check out the earlier journal entries!
Answer to yesterday's question: The International Geophysical Year (IGY)
ran from 1957 through 1958. The objective was to study earth and space
science but, the greatest impact was felt in Antarctica. Many research
stations were established in the Antarctic during this time and the
Antarctic Treaty resulted. The treaty was signed in 1961by the 12 nations
involved in the IGY. This treaty has since been adopted my many countries.
My favorite part of the treaty states "Antarctica shall be used for peaceful
purposes only."
Today's question: Why was the pilot concerned that the windshield heater
wasn't working properly? Why do you think the heater is important?
Keep thinking ICE ICE ICE !!!!
JUST FOR KIDS!!!!! Today we arrived at the Clothing Distribution Center
(CDC) and again put on all of our Extreme Cold Weather (ECW) gear. We are
getting to be experts at this!
At 9:00 a.m. we boarded the C-141 jet plane that will fly us to Antarctica.
The inside of the plane is not like a Delta or TWA airplane. This plane was
made to move cargo, not people. There are four rows of seats that run
parallel to the plane. Each seat is like a net! You must sit very close to
the people around you and there aren't any windows! I sat next to Julie and
Master Sergeant John Hall and across from Master Sergeant Paul G. Zukoski.
The two Master Sergeants were part of the crew. They are in the United
States Air Force. They were very helpful and told me that the
C-141 is the safest plane!
YEAH! The plane began to move and after driving around for about ten
minutes I asked Master Sargent Zukoski if something was wrong. He told me
that the windshield heater wasn't working properly. And so, we were delayed
another day! I was so sad.
I have spent all of today working on the computer and getting pictures added
to my journals. Look back at all the journals that I have written. Most
have pictures now!
Answer to yesterday's question: The International Geophysical Year (IGY)
occurred from 1957 through 1958. Scientists wanted to study the geology of
the Earth and space science. The best thing that happened because of the
IGY is that a treaty now protects all of Antarctica. This treaty was signed
in 1961 by 12 nations. Today, many nations have signed the treaty. My
favorite part of the treaty says "Antarctica shall be used for peaceful
purposes only."
Today's question: Why was the pilot concerned that the windshield heater
wasn't working properly? Why do you think the heater is important?
Keep thinking ice ice ice!!!!!!

The C-141 operated by the Air Mobil Command of the United States Air Force from McChord Air Force base in Tacoma, WA <>
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