For three years I have taught Environmental Science and Chemistry at Mother
of Mercy High School in Cincinnati, OH. Our school provides an
academically, culturally, and socially diverse environment dedicated to the
education of about 640 young women. During the 1999/2000 school year, I
will be teaching 9th grade Environmental Science, 10th grade Biology, and
11th/12th grade Chemistry and Chemistry In The Community. It will be a
challenging opportunity incorporating so many aspects of polar studies into
this varied course load!
In addition to my teaching responsibilities, I co-moderate an
environmental organization, the G.R.E.E.N. Club. I am also charged with
organizing and facilitating an after-school tutoring program operated by
the National Honor Society and I act as a group leader for junior and
senior retreats.
In 1981 I completed my Master of Science degree in Biology and
began a career as a microbial research analyst/assistant. For the past
thirteen years I have worked for several academic institutions (Southern
Illinois University, University of Oklahoma, University of Kentucky) and
served as a senior microbiologist for a United States Environmental
Protection Agency contract laboratory. I have studied microbial ecology,
recombinant DNA, and drinking water microbiology. I am looking forward to
getting involved again in a research program involving microorganisms (see
project description)!
Away from the school/work environment, I spend most of my time
being "Mom" to Cal, my 12 year old son, a soon-to-be 7th grader at St.
Gabriel Consolidated School. I enjoy reading, watching movies, and
observing the wildlife that frequents my suburban apartment feeding
station! I am also active in my parish, St. John The Evangelist Catholic
Church, through its Christ Renews His Parish program.
The photographs of Antarctica adorning the walls of the office of
Dr. M. Pryor at Morehead State University in Kentucky have always
fascinated me. They depict a stark, cold landscape of blue, white, and
black. Now, Dr. Pryor, thanks to the NSF and TEA program, I will be able
to experience those landscapes!

Control of Denitrification in a Permanently Ice Covered Antarctic Lake: Potential For Regulation by Bioactive Metals
Dr. Bess B. Ward, Princeton University
While in Antarctica, we will be living at McMurdo Station and most of
the laboratory work will be accomplished at this site. We will also be
collecting samples in the Dry Valleys to the east of McMurdo Station.
Specifically, we will be looking at microbiological activity in Lake
Bonney, a permanently ice-covered lake in the Taylor Valley.
Lake Bonney has two 40 m deep lobes with dissimilar chemical profiles.
In the anoxic layer of the west lobe, the most prevalent nitrogen compound
is ammonium while in the east lobe, nitrate dominates and both nitrite and
nitrous oxide are present at unusually high levels. These chemical
distributions indicate that the process of denitrification is inhibited in
the east lobe of Lake Bonney, while it appears to proceed normally in the
west lobe.
Bacteria that carry out the process of denitrification have been
isolated from both lobes of the lake. If the denitrifying bacteria are
present in both lobes, why doesn't denitrification occur at both
Our research in Antarctica will focus on the role that bioactive trace
metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Mo, Mn) play in the regulation of the
denitrification process. We will determine the distribution of bioactive
trace metals in both lobes of the lake and describe the trace metal
requirements and limits of denitrifying organisms that we isolate from the
Why is this research project important? The information from this four
year project will be used to demonstrate the role of metals in the
regulation of nitrogen metabolism in microbial populations. It has been
suggested that small changes in denitrification/nitrogen fixation in
marine environments may affect the availability of global fixed nitrogen, which
would affect primary production, carbon dioxide consumption, and the
carbon cycle.
Polar Classroom Activities:
Microbial Life in Extreme Environments
Like It Hot, Some Like It Cold - Microbial Life in Hot Springs and Antarctic Lakes
A Breath of Fresh Air! - Oxygen Tolerance in Bacteria
Without Oxygen - Oxygen Tolerance in Bacteria