18 June, 1999
Friday, June 18th 1999
Pictures: On the 4 wheeler, Michelle Reakoff, the blanket toss, whale
parts that are edible (I guess they all are!)
Hi all! Today we spent the morning gearing up, making plans for the day,
and breaking up into pairs for the eider surveys. I did a foot survey with
Cathy Donaldson, who works for the Endangered Species branch of USFW (United
States Fisheries and Wildlife). We took the 4 wheelers today and left the
truck for another crew. The 4 wheelers are fun! So many people use them and
snowmobiles here instead of cars, so no one looks twice at a person driving
through town on one. I had to dress extra warm to ride on one though, so I
borrowed a heavy parka and thick leather mittens that the ARF (Arctic Research
Facility) keeps handy for working outside in really cold conditions.
Cathy and I surveyed a small area on the far end of town, and it took
just over 3 hours. We saw 3 pairs of Steller's Eiders and one lone male
eider. They were all near the road, so we walked all over for nothing!
Well,not actually for nothing, because it is as important to find where the
eiders are NOT as it is to find where they are. This part of the study - just
going out and finding the birds - is important for 3 reasons:
1. To find out what kind of habitat they use normally
2. To find out what plots of land they are using, so
these plots can hopefully be saved from development
3. To see what stage they are at in terms of their
behavior. Last week, the eiders were much easier to find, as there was not as
much ice-free water and they had to congregate together. Now, the eiders are
seperating out more into their pairs, as the tundra is "opening up" (ice and
snow cover is melting).
Hopefully, they will be beginning to make their nests soon
("nest initiation").
After we finished doing our survey, we went into town and
checked out the 1st blanket toss festival (called a "naluqatak", but I am not
sure I spelled that right!). Every crew that kills a whale during their
spring migration past Barrow celebrates by co-hosting a blanket toss festival.
People only work 1/2 days during naluqatak, and most of the town
shows up. Their are 6 festivals this year, all within 10 days of each other.
There were 18 whales successfully hunted this year, and each festival is
hosted by 3 or more of the crews (I was told there is around 42 crews in
Barrow alone).
I have heard that the blanket toss is a way that eskimos
used to get high enough to look for whales - but I haven't checked up on that
information yet!
The main function of these is to dole out parts of the
whale to the whole village to eat, so people bring boxes lined with garbage
bags so that they can take some whale parts home with them and freeze to eat
all summer.
One of our crew members, Michelle Reakoff, is still young enough (15
years old) to be brave and go jump on the blanket and get tossed around! She
is the "Guest speaker" of the day, and she can tell you about the naluqatak
better than I can!
Thanks so much to everyone who is following along on this adventure.
Please note that pictures have been added to previous journals, and I
am slowly filling in on the days that I was unable to connect! Michele
Hauschulz (Teacher Experiencing the Arctic)
GUEST SPEAKER: Michelle Reakoff
Hello! My name is Michelle Reakoff. I am 15 years old. I come from a very
small village called Wiseman. It is located in the foot hills of the Brookes
Range.Our population last winter was 19 people! I am related to most of the
people. Wiseman is three miles off the Dalton Highway. The Trans-Alaska
Pipline parallels the Dalton Highway. We also have a river that goes by our
village. It is called the Middle Fork of the Koyukuk River.We can see all of
this from our kitchen window. There are several mountains right around
Wiseman. The highest peak is about 4,600 feet. I've climbed most of the
mountains around there with my brother and dad while we were out hunting for
Dall Sheep. Last fall I shot my first ram. I was really happy to get it. Dall
Sheep are a prized meat to most people that have tried it. We have to hunt for
our winters meat supply every fall. We usually get two moose, a few caribou, a
sheep, and once in awhile we'll get a bear (we've got both Black & Grizzly
Bears). In the winter we get our main income by trapping the different fur
bearing animals that live around there. My dad has over 130 miles of trapline
and my brother and I have a short 4 mile trapline. For the four years that my
brother and I have been trapping we have gotten two wolves, five lynx, and
about eight
foxes. To be a trapper you have to be very patient. We live in a house that is
partly made from logs and partly from a frame. We heat our cabin by wood. For
many years we have had to do homeschooling, but this coming fall we will be
getting a charter school, which means we have got funding from the State of
Alaska to hire a teacher, teacher's aide, curriculum, and other things needed
to have a school. Homeschooling is good to a point, but if you're like me, it
is very hard to sit down and do school on my own. And because of it I am a
grade behind, but hopefully with this teacher around I'll have a chance to
catch up. I really want to graduate on time, because I want to go to college
and become a Wildlife Biologist. And I figure the sooner the better! This
spring I got hired as a Resource Apprentice through a summer youth employment
program which is being funded through a Native Corpiration (I'm 1/4 eskimo). I
mainly work for the National Park Service and Kanuti Wildlife Refuge and they
send me out on different projects. My first project I'm working on is this
Steller Eider Breeding Study they are doing up here in Barrow, Alaska for two
weeks. It is my first time away from home on my own, so I was pretty homesick
for the first few days of being here (I got here on Monday and it is now
Friday). I met your teacher the first day I was here. She's a real great
person and I enjoy working around her (we share a bunk together). All the
people up here are really nice. I'm really enjoying my stay here. It is my
first time to Barrow and even though it is a lot different then my village, I
think I could live here--for awhile. Here in Barrow they have about 4,200
people, it is extremely flat, there's no trees at all, and they get a lot of
fog. Wiseman is the exact oppisite. What I think I like most about Barrow, is
that there are more people my age. Today I got to meet quite a few people my
age. After working in the field we went to a big whaling festival. I would
write the name of the festival in eskimo only if I knew how to spell it.
Sorry! At this festival they were celebrating the fact that different whaling
crews had gotten whales this spring. The whole village together had gotten 18
whales this spring! All day they serve food. They had duck & goose
soups,candy, cakes, fruit, bread, and most important of all was the whales
that were split between the village people. The parts of the whale that got
split up were
the frozen meat, Muktuk(blubber & skin that is eaten raw), and parts of the
flippers. I got some to take back home to my family. I actually really like
the taste of it even though it sounds really bad. They also had a blanket
toss. It is like a trampoline, but made out of sowen together Bearded Seal
skins that are tied to poles with ropes and also ropes along the outside of
the skins so people can hang on. A lot of people get all around the blanket
and hold it and then bounce the blanket up and down while someone jumps in
middle. I tried it and it was a lot of fun, because we would go up so high.
After everything else the have traditional native dancing and that
pretty much ends the day, because all that lasts until midnight or later. I
might go watch them do the native dances, because I've never seen it done
before. So I should end here for now. I feel very honored to have shared a
part of my life with all of you and I hope you have enjoyed it, for I surely
have! Take it easy and good-bye:-) If you have any questions for me, be sure
to write!
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Michelle Reakoff in the field wearing her fox fur hat. ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.

That's me, ready to work on "Oogrik" (translation: bearded seal), one of = the North Slope Borough's 4-wheelers! ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.

Michelle Reakoff eating whale "gums" (where the baleen inserts into the bowhead whale's mouth). ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.

The blankettoss! Children go during the day, then at night, the blanket i= s raised and the adults get to go. ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.

Little boy in traditional parka (at naluqatuk). ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.
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