3 September, 1999
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd 1999: Arriving in Cold Bay
Aloha everyone! It is so nice to be able to write to all of you again, even
though you haven't been able to write back yet! It is actually the 7th of
September today, but I am going back to tell you what we have done up to this
point. Anuhea Kamakele, the student that has joined me, wrote a journal entry
today for the 7th of September, so you can read that to hear her perspective
of things up 'til now. We made her quit writing to you early, even though she
had a lot left to write, because we needed to get going on a talk at the
cultural center! So anyway, to get you updated...
On Thursday Anu and I flew from Honolulu to Seattle, then to
Anchorage. When I reached Seattle I called up Ms. Susanne Gabriel and asked
her to input a journal entry for me for Thursday since I would not have
computer access until I got to Cold Bay. Little did I know I wouldn't have
computer access in Cold Bay, either! So I called Ms. Gabriel at 11 at night
Hawaii time and told her what I would like her to type to my students back
home. Thank you so much for doing that!
Anu and I reached the hotel in Anchorage at about 2am and were asleep
by 3. We skipped breakfast the next morning and choose sleep instead, and
left on a 10:30 am flight for Cold Bay the next morning. We had one stop in
King Salmon on the way to Cold Bay, and arrived in Cold Bay in the early
afternoon. As Anu says: "Cold Bay is COLD!" It was windy and damp. At the
end of this journal entry I am going to type some annual temperatures and you
can see just how cold it gets (I want my 9th grade students to graph the
annual temperatures of all the stops on our journey!) We were met by United
States Fish and Wildlife employees who helped us load our luggage, and drove
us the big 300 yards to our hotel. We stayed in the "Weathered Inn", which
is the only place to stay in Cold Bay, basically. The entire village
population is 80 people! There is one motel, one resturant, one bar, one
store, one school (k-12) with one teacher! There are seventeen school age
children attending the school, and they are trying to get another teacher
hired so that there will be two!
Everything was off to a good start, except for one thing... my luggage
didn't make it. Anu and I have a TON of luggage - we have 4 bags and a pack
of poster boards explaining Hawaiian Studies. One of the bags contains only
gifts for the schools in Barrow that we will speak to later in the week, and
gifts for all the people who were kind to us and helped us out along the way.
Luckily, that bag made it. Kumu Gallano spent her own money on many of those
gifts from Hawaiian Studies, mahalo to her! Sadly, though, it was all of my
sweaters and warmest clothes that did not make the trip! The airport people
figured out that it had fallen off of the conveyer belt back in Anchorage, and
since no planes fly in on Saturday, the soonest I could have my luggage is on
Sunday. Well, we left Cold Bay on Monday, so I just ended up picking up my
bag on the way out of town heading for Barrow. The people at USFWS were very
kind and gave us all kinds of cold weather gear to wear while we were there,
After we settled in (and we each received a fresh flower from the
manager of the Inn, who was on the plane with us, carrying the flowers), we
got a tour of the town. This didn't take long, obviously! Then, we spent the
evening bear hunting! There are brown bear all over the place in Cold Bay,
but we didn't see any that evening. Instead, we were thrilled to see the
salmon, which were running. They come up the river once a year to spawn and
then die. The rivers were full of them jumping around, it was amazing to see.
The wildflowers in Cold Bay were also fantastic. We were very happy to be
there, even if the bears were not cooperating with us!
Make sure to email any questions that you have back to Anu and I - we will
have computer access for the remainder of the trip, I promise! :-D. Take
Care, Michele Hauschulz,( Teacher Experiencing the Arctic)
Information for my class to graph (9th graders): Average
temperatures (from the Alaska Almanac, 21st edition). Make sure to Title your
graph, Label both the x-axis and the y-axis, and hang on to your graphs after
you are pau for additonal information in other journals!
(Temperatures are in Fahrenheit):
Jan 14.9
Feb 18.7
Mar 25.7
Apr 35.8
May 46.6
Jun 54.4
Jul 58.4
Aug 56.3
Sep 48.4
Oct 36.6
Nov 21.2
Dec 16.3
Jan 28.6
Feb 27.4
Mar 29.9
Apr 33.3
May 39.9
Jun 45.7
Jul 50.5
Aug 51.5
Sep 47.7
Oct 39.6
Nov 34.4
Dec 31.O
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Arriving at Izembek Refuge (Leslie Boen(Barrow Teacher), Rita Frantz, Dan= Brower (Barrow Students), Anu Kamakele, and me. ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.
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