4 September, 1999
Saturday, September 4th 1999
Cold Bay
Breakfast in long underwear-radio telemetry - Black Brant Geese - Raft Race -
Berry Production - BROWN BEAR SITINGS! - Salmon Fishing
Aloha all! To continue catching you up with the events of our trip...
Today I got the morning off to a flying start. While I was still in bed, I
heard Leslie Boen (a teacher from Barrow who joined us in Cold Bay with 2
students, Rita Frantz and Dan Brower), knocking on Rita and Dan's doors. I
jumped up and opened up the door to talk to her for a minute, and the door
shut behind me, locking me out of my room! That wouldn't be too bad, except I
was just in my long underwear, and no one was around who could let me back
into my room. Leslie tried walking across the street to the restaurant to
find someone (the restaurant,bar,and motel are all owned by the airline that
flies out there, so the same person, John, manages it all), but there was only
1 cook there and he was very busy. So, I ended up going over and eating my
breakfast in my long johns until John woke up and was able to let me back in.
After we were all ready, we headed up Baldy Mountain, which is
basically a tall hill, where we learned about the radio telemetry studies that
are occuring at Izembeck Refuge in Cold Bay. Earlier in the season,
researchers had sugically implanted a small transmitter under the skin of a
bunch of Pacific Black Brant geese (while the geese were at their breeding
grounds for the summer), and were now studying the migration timing of the
geese into Izembeck Lagoon (where they visit before moving down the U.S.
western coast for the winter). We used big antennaes and earphones which were
connected to receivers. The receivers would scan all of the frequencies that
the transmitters in the geese could be found at. When we found a transmitter
frequency that could be picked up by the antenna, it would sound like a bunch
of quiet beeps, every few seconds. The direction that the antenna is pointing
when the beeps are heard tells us what direction the goose is at. We only
heard 2 transmitters of geese in the area, which was not surprising for the
scientists (Mike and Linda, of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service),
since they told us that they are only now starting to arrive in the refuge
area. I took some video while we were up there and it is pretty funny because
Anuhea (the student from Wai'anae who came along) was FREEZING up there on
Baldy Mountain, the wind was blowing 35-45 miles per hour.
After that, we had lunch, and headed out to the "RUSSELL CREEK SILVER
SALMON DERBY" RAFT RACE. We were told how lucky we were to be visiting at
that time of year, so we got to see the salmon derby festivities that were
going on. So we were excited to see the start of the salmon derby, and Jerry
and Phil, who work for the United States Geological Service (USGS) took us
down to the big party. Well, we got there, and the first thing Anu said is
"THIS IS IT??!!!") There were, at the most, 10 trucks there. That is a big
crowd for Cold Bay! Usually, it is unlikely that you will pass another
vehicle anywhere if you are driving around! So, we watched part of the raft
race, where people of Cold Bay build rafts out of anything they can think of,
and head down the river seeing which will make it to the finish first. There
were people in innertubes lashed together, people in old bathtubs wearing
shower caps, and people just on plain old doors.
It was pretty funny to watch, but funnier still was seeing the
"Walk-a-Thon" that was another event at the salmon derby. We happened to be
driving down the road and drove past 4 people who were walking in the opposite
direction. The woman who was driving us, Linda, saw that one of the people
was her husband, so she pulled over to talk. He was with the teacher from the
town, and the teacher said "We are taking part in the walk-a-thon, we are the
only 4 people that showed up". And Linda's husband, Jim, said "I didn't even
know that I was in the walk-a-thon, I thought I was just taking a walk!" So
there were only 4 people for the event, and only 3 actually knew they were
After watching the events, we went back up Baldy Mountain to help Jerry
and Phil from USGS work on their study of Berry Production and Consumption.
They made 50 meter by 50 meter plots out on the tundra (they picked 70 random
spots earlier), and then went around the edges of the plots with a small
quadrant (sqare made out of light pipes) and every 5 meters they would set the
square down and count how many berries were inside the square. This was a way
to estimate how many berries were in the whole area, and later look at how
many of the berries were eaten by geese in the area. They made 2 plots of the
area, and I am sorry to say we were not much help to them. It was kind of a 2
person job, and after they showed us what they were doing, we sat down with
the binoculars and saw 3 big brown bear (a mother with 2 cubs) down in the
valley below, walking along. They were easy enough to see clearly, so they
were very fun to watch.
Later that night, Rick, the manager of Izembeck Refuge (from USFWS) took
us down to Russell Creek so that we could try and catch some salmon. Rita
caught 2 fish, and I caught one, but they were all "chums" which apparently
are not good for eating compared to silver salmon, or red salmon, which are
also found there. So we threw them back in the creek, but they were fun to
catch, anyway!
It was a very full day, and we were able to sleep very well
If you have any questions, please write to Anu and I! We are looking forward
to hearing from some people from home! Talk to you soon! Michele Hauschulz,
Teacher Experiencing the Arctic
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Rick from USFWS catches the first Silver Salmon of the day for the Russel= l Creek Silver Salmon Derby. ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.

One of the better river raft entries! (One of the few that can be steered= !) ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.

Anu learning how to use radiotelemetry to track animals ____________________________________________________________________ Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at http://webm= ail.netscape.com.
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