18 September, 2002
Homeward Bound
Today was basically a travel day and since I've already talked about
the Haul Road in past entries I thought I would spend most of today's
entry with a short discussion of a new place on the Dalton Highway
and then introduce the new member of our team, Todd Sformo.
When I was here in the spring, the Dalton Highway was very much a
backwoods road. Dirt and gravel most of the way, it was an adventure
just to travel a few miles. On this trip I found that the state of
Alaska is working very hard to turn the Haul road into and actual
highway. Since I was here in May, a large section of the road has
been paved and I would guess that the entire distance between
Fairbanks and Coldfoot will be paved within the next two years or so.
The statement here is that the entire Dalton Highway will be paved by
the year 2007. I have mixed feelings about a paved Dalton Highway.
While it would be nice to travel without the toll on the vehicles and
the operators, a paved road will take away some of the character the
road has now and certainly some of the adventure of traveling the
Haul Road.
We did visit a new wayside on the Haul Road. After many
recommendations from people who travel the road regularly, we stopped
at the Hotspot Cafe. The cafe is just north of the Yukon River bridge
and includes the cafe itself, a souvenir shop, minimal auto repair
facilities and a small motel. Most of the Hotspot is built from
leftover pieces and parts of the pipeline and pipeline construction
camps. The item of note with the Hotspot is that they serve the
largest hamburgers I have ever seen. There has always been a problem
with hotdogs fitting the bun, but before stopping at the Hotspot, I
had never seen a hamburger that would not fit a bun. I strongly
recommend a visit to the Hotspot Cafe fo anyone traveling the Haul
My second task for today is to introduce Todd Sformo. Todd is a PhD
student in Dr. Brian Barnes lab here at the University of
Alaska-Fairbanks, but Todd will be spending a good part of the next
year at the University of Notre Dame with Dr. Jack Duman learning lab
techniques for the isolation of antifreeze proteins from insects.
Todd has a research project that deals with the overwintering
abilities of the Birch Shield Beetle, otherwise known as the Alaskan
Todd is what is commonly identified as a non-traditional student.
Born in Buffalo, New York, Todd earned an initial Bachelor's Degree
in Philosophy. He then went on to earn two fine arts Masters Degrees.
One degree is in Art History and a second in Creative Writing. Todd
and his wife Barbara then moved to Alaska where they have spent their
lives in many parts of the state. They spent their longest periods of
time here in Fairbanks and in Barrow were Todd spent time as a
teacher for multiple grade levels. To challenge himself once again,
Todd began study in the field of Biology several years ago which led
him and Barb to the University here in Fairbanks.
The one observation I can make about Todd is that he has such a
personable character that he is a pleasure to know and work with. It
seems that everyone else thinks so as well since everyone in Alaska
seems to know Todd. Everywhere we go at least one person says hello.
So if you should happen to be in Alaska or in South Bend, Indiana
over the next year, say hello to Todd and get to know him. You will
be glad you did.

This is the Hotspot Cafe just north of the Yukon River Bridge on the Dalton Highway

Todd Sformo

under the red poncho is Todd showing either dedication to the project or just plain silliness collecting stinkbugs in the rain in Fairbanks.

This sculpture was created using a drill bit from an oil rig.
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