5 January, 2003
In some ways Antarctica starves the senses. At first glance it is
devoid of bright colors except for our coats and tents. Taking
pictures is hard because the camera gets fooled by the lack of color,
and it sometimes grays everything out. If you are a good observer you
will find color in surprising places. The rocks of the Dry Valleys
have vivid pinks and oranges, and deep purples, but you have to look
carefully. The streams produce algae in reds, oranges, blacks and
greens, but again, a cursory glance will miss it. The ice of the
lakes and glaciers produce a turquoise blue like none other I've ever
Distances are really hard to judge because the atmosphere is so
clean. The air is crisp and clear, but there are no odors to speak of
except icky ones--like the latrine or rotten food waste buckets!
Tents have their own smells--my nylon mountain tent at home base (F6)
sometimes smells earthy from all the rocks and dirt my boots drag in,
while my Scott tent at Lake Hoare where we go on weekends for
showers, smells like canvas. It's amazing that without showers the
people don't smell bad - or maybe we are all just in the same boat
and don't notice anymore!
Sounds are also lacking. You can hear the wind in your tent and
the water in the streams running and rushing over rocks. The solar
panels sometimes squeak in the wind and an occasional helicopter
flies overhead or roars in for a landing. People's boots scrunch the
rocks as they walk past your tent, and sometimes you hear your team's
voices in the distance, or someone snoring in their tent, but often
it is just QUIET. The lack of "white noise" from traffic, airplanes,
and people is very different than back home, but I love the solitude.

1. Our clothing is colorful against the drabber
colors of the scenery, but those colors also serve an important
purpose. If we ever needed to be rescued, they would help us stand
out from the landscape! This is me holding the reflecting glass. Jen
is using the Total Station to measure the distance and elevation as
we survey the stream gage site. I'm standing on the sandbags over the
middle of the stream.

2. Erin is labeling bags and bottles to collect algae
samples. She and "Theo", the surveying instrument, are colorful
against the Canada Stream.

3. That's me with Theo and the Canada Glacier in the
background. It may not be colorful in one sense, but isn't it

4. Here I am with a "sense" of relaxation! This rock
was formed as a perfect recliner and ottoman, and I couldn't resist a
break as we worked today. It was actually very comfortable. (and no,
Hunter. You can't have it for your room!)
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