6 January, 2003
Machine Shop
Again our team flew off in two different directions. The chemistry
part of the Stream Team went to Lake Bonney and we three (Jen, Erin
and me) from "algal ops" went back to F6. When the helicopter landed
the pilot asked who was there and we said, "No one," but then we saw
two people standing in the kitchen. It turned out to be Mary Ann
DeMello, another TEA! She and one of her team mates, Amber Hawkins,
had come to use our power and LAN line to put Mary Ann's journals
online. Check hers out, too - same address as mine, then click on
her name. I was so excited to see her. We had been talking almost
everyday before coming to Antarctica and then have not had any
contact since she got to McMurdo. We had a great day visiting and
writing our journals together! Erin made cookies as we worked on
filtering our samples.
Our plans to do pebble counts at two transects got derailed when
the hut started having power problems. We function off of a large
solar panel which has lost its ability to track the sun, so we have
to manually move it. Today it was cloudy so we were being very
diligent about following the sun's counter clockwise course around
the sky, but we kept losing power to the hut anyway. We decided to
start the generator to give the storage batteries a boost and to
produce enough power to run the computers and filters we were using.
But! the generator wouldn't start.
Now for everyone that knows me, you are aware that I know next to
nothing about machines and how they run. It was scary to be in
charge of figuring out why the generator wouldn't start, but it was
also a challenge I wanted to overcome. For over an hour, John and I
had messed around trying to start the generator two days ago. It
would not start then, and we finally gave up. I went back into the
hut. Pete went out with John and the darned machine started right up.
I can't tell you how that defeated my "machine confidence!"
So, today, with all girls here, I decided we were going to win the
battle of the machines one way or another. I tried everything John
and I had done together. It wouldn't start. I finally called the
machine shop at McMurdo and asked them for some help. Kirk was very
helpful. He spent many phone calls and about two hours helping me
learn that machine from the outside in. I took out the spark plug and
tested it. I checked the air filter and made sure the choke was
working. Of course I had checked the gas and oil levels, too. I
tested the low oil electric warning connection, all to no avail. Kirk
finally said that he thought we needed a new generator and would send
one out to us tonight. I don't feel a great sense of accomplishment
- yet. I plan to be the one to pull the cord on the new generator,
though, and then I can happily wave good-bye to the old one!

1. Erin and me on the 212 helo.

2. Mary Ann and Amber working together to upload
MA's TEA journals.

3. Me pulling the generator's cord. That machine was
really aggravating me.

4. How many people does it take to start a
generator? In this case it took more than Jen, me and Erin!
Contact the TEA in the field at
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TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
your favorite e-mail package.