2 August, 2003
Life on the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer is good. In fact, it's real
good. Since we are literally all on the same boat, here are some
images that reveal some glimpses about how folks spend their time
off. Whether they are the ship's crew, or the science and technical
support teams, everyone on board eventually finds themselves in most
of these places at one time or another.

1. From left to right, Bob Anthony, Ron Mack, Bruce Andrews, and George Rayford in Bruce's cabin enjoying pictures of his home and family.

2. Enrique (Ricky) Alvezo selecting a video in the movie lounge.

3. Although Ernest Stelly is doing the ship's food inventory at the moment, the computer room is used by everyone on board for e-mailing friends and family.

4. The gym gets used quite a bit- really!

5. Leopoldo Llinas attends to his laundry.

6. Eric Hutt watching the sea go by as he plays the mandolin in the Aft Control Room.

7. John Bengtson relaxes in the 03 Conference Room and Library.
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