27 April, 2000
Bytes 'n Pieces
April 27, 2000
Daily Data (21:30):
Lat. 67 deg 45.957’ N
Long. 058 deg 31.694’ W
Heading 335.1 deg
Temp. -10.61 C 12.88 F
True Wind Direction 325.4
True Wind Speed 17.8 Kn.
Dear Everyone,
Watching the data screen in the Healy's bridge and looking out to sea as we
officially entered the Arctic was an unforgettable first for me. A cheer
and a photo of the infinity of water will remind me of the poignant feelings
of the moment, this first Arctic encounter. The USCGC Healy officially
crossed the threshold of 66-33.0 North today at 09:15.
Later in the day as I peered out to sea, a scientist casually commented to
me that there was an ice floe ahead. "How do you know?" I asked, viewing
nothing but water. "The clouds. Look at the clouds." he replied. French
Canadian Roger (say "rrrow-zshay") proceeded with the following explanation.
>Vocabulary of the day:
>From MANICE; Manual of standard Procedures for Observing and Reporting Ice
Conditions, Canadian Ice Service, April 1994.
Water Sky: Dark streaks on the underside of low clouds, indicating the
presence of water features in the vicinity of ice.
Ice Blink: A whitish glare on low clouds above an accumulation of distant
Frost Smoke: Fog-like clouds formed by the contact of cold air with
relatively warm water. These can appear over openings in the ice or leeward
of the ice edge and may persist while ice is forming.
My excitement mounted as the ship approached ice. The stark and severe
beauty reminds me of Antarctica, of course, only this time I'm on a ship
plowing through instead of in a C130 gazing down. I glued myself to the
bridge windows to be surrounded by this moment in time and returned late in
the evening to quietly enjoy the sunset. The bridge was silent except for
the crashing sounds and vibrations of the ship as it drove through the
increasingly thicker ice.
What do Polar Bear tracks look like? Earlier in the afternoon, I saw my
first bear tracks across the ice floe the ship was traversing. Stevie, our
Inuit guide on board from Broughton Island, told me he was quite certain the
tracks represented three bears. We will soon see them! Am I eager with
anticipation? YES!
Time to pull out your maps again. We are on our way to Home Bay to run some
ice tests. Locate Home Bay and find Broughton Island, Stevie's home.
About me. I'm taking meclizine and have not yet experienced seasickness. I
do get seasick, so this is very good news! I'm finally over jet-lag and
have slept well the past two nights in spite of the white noise usual of all
vessels, the typical clanging of the metal ship-door across the hall from
me, and the booming sounds and vibrations of the breaking of ice. I remind
myself that I slept through the landings of the C130 Hercs next to my tent
at the South Pole Station.
I'm on deck 02 (the zero in front of the two means that it is the second
floor above the main deck) in room 206. My roommate is the Healy's doctor,
CDR Barbara Schoen, and I have the top bunk.
Please limit your total email size to me including any attachments or photos
to around 45 KBytes. Shipboard email space is extremely limited and if the
size of your email to me exceeds this limit, then it will be returned to you
Best regards,

The Arctic Circle. photo by Sandra

Approaching ice floes. photo by Sandra

Polar Bear tracks on an ice floe. photo by Sandra
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