One year ago when I returned from my second
austral summer (a total of 7 months "ice time") at the
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica; I never dreamed that I would
be going to the Arctic nearly one year later! To be honest, having had the
unusual opportunity to work in Antarctica twice, I did think about
conquering the opposite. The Arctic was on my Dream List (yes, I really do
have one in writing), but not so immediate in my plans. Opportunities
dont wait. When the possibility of the TEA experience on the trials
of the USCGC Healy icebreaker surfaced, it was the possibility of yet
another educational experience to share that I couldn't put out of my
mind. I didn't wait long before I acted. Amazingly, it will soon be
reality! I'm thrilled and honored to be parcticipating in this
I'm Sandra Kolb and that's me hidden
in the red parka standing in front of the South Pole Station dome in
January 1997. Having worked in Africa and the Middle East with my husband,
Lester, for 16 years, working at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station as a
cook for the austral summer of 1996-97 was the ultimate adventure!
Although the experience was not easy, it was an incredible learning
experience and one that I shared through my journals.
When the opportunity emerged to return to the
South Pole Station for the austral summer 1998-99, I couldn't refuse.
This time I was 1 of 3 communications operators and worked in the
Information Systems Department. My job consisted of air traffic control
activities bringing aircraft into and out of our station as well as flight
following for other Antarctic missions, weather reporting, station
emergency response, general station communications, communications with
other Antarctic stations and camps, and information documentation. Working
in Comms involved intense multi-tasking, prioritizing, and quick
decision-making. And, yes, it was stressful sometimes. You can learn more
about my Antarctic experience by scrolling to the end of my web page to
read my journals.
I'm a teacher of 21 years experience in grades 1-12 and have taught in
both public and private schools. During my 16 years teaching at American
international schools overseas, I developed a love for adventure and new
learning opportunities. I delight in making guest presentations to
educational institutions and community organizations on my Antarctic
experiences. As free time allows, I enjoy reading, cooking and
entertaining, fine arts, and travel. In the summer, I welcome spending
time outdoors in the beautiful Pacific Northwest where I live.
If you are an amateur radio operator you may catch me, NE7V, on the air!
In the meantime, you can follow my experiences in my journals from this web
Map of Antarctica
Antarctic Journals 1998/1999
Introduction: Dreams + Action = Reality
Jan. 12, 1999: Power, Water, and Food
Nov. 13, 1998: Getting To The Ice
Jan. 19, 1999: Visitors
Nov. 20, 1998: McMurdo to S. Pole
Jan. 28, 1999: The Dark Sector
Nov. 27, 1998: Altitude and The First Day
Feb. 12, 1999: Good-Bye From South Pole
Dec. 05, 1998: ECW Clothing
Off Ice Follow-up: Expedition Icetrek
Dec. 13, 1998: My Typical Day
Off Ice Follow-up: The Women
Dec. 22, 1998: Waste Management
Off Ice Follow-up: The Men
Dec. 29, 1998: Celebrations
Conclusion: Reflections One Year Later
Antarctic Journals 1996/1997
7 to 15, 1996: Science Lecture Series |
14, 1997: Astronomy, Station Life |
15, 1996: Physio-Altitude |
26, 1997: Sleeping Quarters |
24, 1996: Christmas, Science Operations |
2, 1997: Altitude, Atmospheric Studies |
31, 1996: Astronomy, Visitors |
9, 1997: Seismic Vault, Ski Shack, Halos |
5, 1997: My Job, New Year's Day |
11, 1997: Station Poem and Closing Thoughts |
10, 1997: Letter From Lester |

Icebreaking performance of the USCGC Healy
Terry Tucker, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
The icebreaking performance tests of the new Coast Guard icebreaker, USCGC Healy, will occur during April and May in Davis Strait and Baffin Bay, between Canada and Greenland. The goals are to assess whether the Healy performs in ice as well as it was designed to perform, and to develop a set of ice operating guidelines for the ship drivers. One primary objective is to determine the speeds at which the Healy can break different thicknesses of ice. Other tests will measure the turning radius of the ship over a range of ice thicknesses, and assess its performance when it is necessary to back and ram thick ice.

"Icebreaking Performance of the USCGC Healy" project has two parts. One part will be to collect and analyze ship operational data such as position, speed, power, propeller rpm, torque, thrust and rudder settings. The data will be collected during each test by computer linked into a special ship system data network. The data will be analyzed following the test.
The second part of the project involves finding the proper type of ice in which to test the ship, then measuring the ice properties of that ice. For the icebreaking speed and turning radius tests, level ice floes as large as 1 km x 1 km are needed. The general area containing the floes will be located by studying several types of satellite imagery that will be received on the Healy. Then helicopter reconnaissance flights will be used to determine precise locations of the floes and measure their initial thickness. Before each test, a team will go onto the ice to make detailed ice thickness measurements using an electromagnetic instrument and by drilling holes. In addition, more properties of the ice will be determined by collecting ice cores. Measurements of temperature, salinity and density of the ice cores will be needed to determine the strength of the ice. The ice properties measurements will be combined with the ship operational data at the end of each test to assess the performance.
Experiences with some of the other programs on board the USCGC Healy will include the measurements of loads on the hull of the ship, stresses that ice imposes on the propeller and shaft, and documenting performance of the ship through various ice conditions as it transits between test locations.
Polar Classroom Activities:
Ice Core Secrets
Polar Chains and Webs
Forecast: Graphing Temperature Data
Global Scales: An Investigation of Barometric Pressure and Gravitational Pull: Does It Influence Body Weight?
Nutrition Expedition - An Investigation of Nutritional Requirements under Extreme Conditions
To Be Salty Sea Ice Or Not To Be Salty Sea Ice