8 August, 2000
August 8 , 2000
Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
It was another warm, beautiful day to be out working on things and we
wrapped up our dye tracing studies with a simple test. We used a surface
stream that temporarily went down into a crack and then resurfaced some
distance away. We weren’t exactly sure that it was the same water at
both ends but that turned out to be the case. We could even visibly see
the dye in the samples because it had not become too diluted and there’s
no suspended sediment to cloud the surface waters on the glacier. We
will be comparing the shapes of our concentration curves to the one we
get in this test on a known flow system.
In the five plus weeks that I’ve been here I have done a pretty fair
amount of hiking to different locations on and around the glacier. In
addition I have made daily hikes to access a phone line at night to
upload my journals and pictures. Inevitably I would have to encounter
some of the wildlife that inhabits the area. Earlier in the morning on
the day I arrived in camp on July 3 Ben Cashman and Josh Lawson had
accidentally gotten too close to a moose and calf while hiking to camp.
The cow reacted by charging them in an effort to protect her calf. It
was simply a case of them not seeing the moose and vice versa. I
certainly did not want to be charged by an angry moose so I always kept
alert to their possible presence wherever I walked.
It would be two weeks before I got my first look at a moose. I had
wanted to see them very badly and the guys told me that they’d browse
the camp occasionally. One night at about 11:30 as I was walking back
from sending a journal I kept thinking about seeing moose. Even though
it was late there was still plenty of light to see. As I neared the
shortcut across the airstrip I suddenly noticed the cow and calf were
directly in front of me about 50 yards by a pile of spruce logs. I
stopped in my tracks and we watched each other motionless for a couple
minutes. I then thought it would be best to backtrack a few steps and
cut across the grass on the side of the runway rather than the gravel on
the strip. She seemed OK with that and continued to graze. I kept
glancing her way as I walked and eventually the wood pile blocked my
view. But then she appeared again on the other side of the pile. She had
not forgotten about me yet!
I would see several moose at different times and it always seemed to be
on my hikes to and from the phone in the late evening. On another
occasion I saw a different cow and calf. This time they would either
have to move or I would have to take a very long detour to get where I
was heading. It turns out they continued to travel parallel to the
direction I was heading. This was not what I was hoping for and at one
point I lost sight of them in the woods. At this point I continued
walking but also began to clap so that they could tell exactly where I
was. Finally I saw them both cross the road in front of me and run off
in the distance.
One night I heard the strangest sound up ahead of me that sounded like
some sort of weird raven squawk. I heard it several times before I could
finally see what is was - a fox barking out warnings to its family.This
family of fox lives in another pile of spruce logs along the hike to the
phone. It is almost a regular nightly event to interact with the fox.
They will always run a short distance and then stop and turn to stare at
you. This stare down could go on forever it seems but once you make
another move they’ll run and turn around again. I kind of enjoy playing
this game with them at night.
I have not seen any bears at all but there have been a few sightings of
them (grizzly) here on the island, but not near camp. There are bear
droppings on the trail to North Vent but no tracks anywhere. I’ve been
told they generally tend to stay on the other side of the river and that
there’s really nothing that would attract them to the island. On the
other hand I see lots of moose droppings and tracks just about
everywhere. A couple of the guys saw some sort of a cat, possibly a
lynx, one evening near the highway. In camp we always have to chase
squirrels away from the tents and food supplies and Alaskan Jays are
always flying in looking for food scraps. Quite often eagles can be seen
and heard soaring above. Once when we dumped dye on the glacier a couple
large crow-like birds swooped down, apparently drawn by the blood-like
appearance of the water. Occasional rabbits are seen as well. Sheep may
be seen high on the mountains along the highway. And the moose still
likes to browse through camp on occasion!
Marvin Giesting

One member of the fox family keeping a close eye on me. Usually I first spot them by the white tip of their tail when they run. I'd possibly never notice them if they didn't run.

One of many moose that have been around the camp. These guys are pretty big!
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