29 November, 2002
29 November, 2002
Up at 3 am, to do wash, but no go. I hunted through the Windsor like
a dog on the trail of a rabbit, finding the laundry after a lot of
twists and doorways, but locked until 7:30! The door was locked
behind me, so no chance to just walk back the way I'd come. Snooped
around the outside of the building, which has many additions,
alleyways, and fences to contend with, ended up on the street about a
half a block away from the B & B with an armful of dirty clothes, but
found my way back.
I was concerned to get up early, and have everything ready to go for
the 6 am airport shuttle. Issues :
a) plane to Antarctica leaves on the dot, don't be late (unfounded concern)
b) no laundry service available at pole, foolish to arrive with any
dirty laundry for a 2 1/2 week stay (reasonable, but ultimately
undone by later events)
c) for plane ride, allowed one hand carry bag of quite limited size,
into which everything I might want for a long period must fit. This
bag will require some fixing and arranging and choosing what's
important in the 10 minutes between arrival at the Antarctic terminal
and the plane's takeoff ( again, unfounded concern, plenty of time)
d) In that same 10 minutes, have to put on all cold weather gear for
plane ride (also unfounded)
Well, I had a cup of tea around 4:30 am with Mike & Mike, who'd
already moved into their breakfast bag provided by the B & B, full of
weird English-type stuff like Pam's Fruit & cereal bar. Then: flight
delayed, shuttle at 9 am. So we had another breakfast at 7, and a
slow ride to the airport, and more delays there, and ended up getting
airborne about noon. I even had time to completely charge the
computer (the Center has 110 volts, unlike most of New Zealand). I
hoped to listen to music from the computer on the plane.
The plane was NOISY. (See the video on the website). Earplugs in the
entire 7 hour way. Music was so lo-fi as to be impossible, but I
could kind of make out some Ray Romano comedy I got from my student
Alison V. At first, it was pretty cramped, but folks started to move
around, and climb up on top of the big pallets of equipment at the
back of the plane, and it got better. About halfway through the
flight, someone on the plane started playing music over the
loudspeaker! Crowded House (a New Zealand band), Cat Stevens, a Burt
Bacarach collection! Through earplugs, headphones, the deafening roar
of 4 turboprops, MUSIC! The lowest fidelity music in the history of
the universe! It would have made any Guatemalan bus driver proud.
I got up to use the "bathroom" (read : "funnel") and saw we were
starting to get over sea ice. Lots of pictures. I saw this beautiful
tabular iceberg, the kind with high vertical walls that breaks off
from Antarctica's ice shelves. And the sea ice was spotty, then
thicker, then in lots of pieces covering the surface like the facets
of a jewel, then continents with fault lines and open leads between,
then solid white, then over the real continent. Scabby jagged
mountains poking through the unsoiled sheet of snow, endless black &
white studies on form. Long shadows are the constant here, as the sun
never gets very high.
It got colder and colder in the plane, and we put on any remaining
gear on the landing approach. Everyone on the cargo seats took up a
lot more space with their big parkas on, like too many cushions on
the couch. An easy soft landing way out on the ice, a ride to
McMurdo, an orientation talk, a walk to "Bag Drag" to route our stuff
to the pole for tomorrow morning's flight, a late dinner held over in
the galley (which is absurdly nice, given its location), and to the
room to pass out.

The bunny boots. They are inflatable, to create an insulating layer of air. The light in this picture is about right. Dark inside the plane, blinding light pouring through the windows.

A panorama of the plane we rode to McMurdo. This is a C-130, operated by the Royal New Zealand Air Force. New Zealand and the US don't see eye-to-eye on some international questions, but they have a very close working relationship on Antarctica.

Mike Janech & yours truly in a very NOISY place. I wondered about the cargo seats, but getting in the plane, it was pretty obvious. The webbing "seats" stow away very easily, so the entire airplane can haul cargo.

Antarctic science is a truly international, cooperative effort. What's the good of doing science ? It's about finding out about our world, sure, but it's also about building bridges.

A lovely fractal pattern of sea ice blocks, broken out of a solid sheet by wave action. This is a yearly pattern, as the sea grows & shrinks by the size of the United States.

I was reading a book about Picasso & Einstein, paralleling their breakthroughs, which happened at almost the same time, 1905 to 1907. Picasso's Les Demoiselles D'Avignon required years of effort, and thousands of sketches of form and shape. I was struck by the endless variety of form in these black & white studies. I made a slide show show of the entire collection of pictures I shot through the window, and it's available on my website at: http://www.drachen.org/Drachen_Ed_Site/around_the_world/antarctica.html
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