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21 November, 2004TREC application, Antarctic Food Web - shortage, New Books, Workshop announcements and more! Reminder - TREC application Full Teacher and Researcher Applications Now Available for the 2005 Arctic Field Season! Applications must be received by Friday, December 31, 2004 Applications and additional TREC information is available at: http://www.arcus.org/TREC/apply.html and in the links within. For further information, please contact: Helen Wiggins at helen@arcus.org ********************************************************
Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating (TREC) is a program in which K-12 teachers parcticipate in arctic research, working closely with scientists as a pathway to improving science education through teachers' experiences in scientific inquiry. The main components of TREC include: 1. Arctic Field Research Experience 2. Classrooms and Public Connections 3. Professional Development 4. Sustained Community and Support The TREC program is designed to extend the experience beyond field research to support a sustained community of teachers, scientists, and the public through traditional workshops, Internet seminars, an e-mail listserve, and teacher-to-teacher peer groups. Join the TREC! Check out the TREC web site for more information about TREC program - including the expectations for parcticipating team members and information for collaborating and connecting online. You do not have to go to the field to parcticipate in and benefit from the TREC experience. Find out about the many other ways you can contribute to and benefit from the TREC program.
Teacher and researcher applications to parcticipate in a 2005 TREC field research experience are due December 31, 2004. Teachers, researchers, and research projects for the 2005 research season will be selected to fill openings available. We expect that applicants will be notified of selection decisions before January 31, 2005. For further information, please contact: Helen Wiggins at helen@arcus.org or go to: http://www.arcus.org/trec/index.html Funding for TREC is provided by the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs Arctic Sciences Section. ****************************************************** Antarctic birds use scent to find mates Antarctic birds returning to a nesting colony after feeding at sea sniff out their mates, literally. full arcticle available via cnn.com http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/10/28/eau.de.bird.ap/index.html ******************************************************* Study: Antarctic wildlife facing food shortage A key food source for Antarctic seals, whales and penguins has declined about 80 percent since the 1970s in ocean waters near the Antarctic peninsula, researchers report. "The overall effect of the decline in stocks of krill, a shrimp-like crustacean, isn't clear, but the finding suggests "we need to do some more work quite urgently to find out what's going to happen," said marine biologist Angus Atkinson." Full arcticle available via cnn.com http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/11/03/antarctic.food.ap/index.html ****************************************************** Answer to How Winter Seasonal Forecasts Can Be Improved May Be Found in Siberia's Autumn Snows Energy prices are at all-time highs, so winter weather, which significantly affects the U.S. economy, may have an even greater impact this season. "National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded research by Judah Cohen of Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER), Inc., in Lexington, Massachusetts, has led to the development of an experimental model, which may offer improved winter weather forecasts. Such forecasts can help guide planning for dealing with winter weather impacts." http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/04/ma0435.htm ************************************************** New Book Available "Arctic Governance" Edited By: T. Koivurova, T. Joona, and R. Shnoro ISBN 951-634-940-4 Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law For further information about Arctic Centre Publications, please go to: http://www.arcticcentre.org/contentparser.asp?deptid=10827#juridica To order the book, please contact Marja Collins Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law The Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law (Arctic Centre, University of Lapland) has published a book entitled "Arctic Governance", providing social science and, in parcticular, legal perspectives on Arctic issues. ********************************************************* IPY Expression of Intent Information Available Polar Research Board U.S. National Academy of Sciences For further information, please go to: http://us-ipy.org ********************************************************* The International Council for Science (ICSU) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has issued a call for preliminary expressions of intent from those seeking to parcticipate in the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008. The U.S. National Committee to the IPY has made these available on our web site: http://us-ipy.org Briefly, there are three relevant documents: - A letter from ICSU-WMO explaining the procedure and deadline (14
January) - Annex 1: Expression of Intent Form - Annex 2: Criteria for Identifying IPY Activities These materials are also posted at: http://www.ipy.org ********************************************************** Workshop Announcement Science and Education Objectives for a Seafloor Cabled Observatory on the Beaufort Shelf, Alaska NSF-Supported Community Meeting Barrow, Alaska 7-8 February 2005 Application Deadline: Sunday, 12 December 2004 To apply, please send one paragraph detailing your specific scientific and/or education interests to: Bernard Coakley E-mail: Bernard.Coakley@gi.alaska.edu ***********************************************************
Study of the Arctic Ocean is limited by sea ice and harsh weather that restrict access through much of the year. These constraints limit data acquisition and distort understanding of events, processes, and biology of most of the Arctic Ocean. Breaching this isolation can be achieved through new technologies and adaptation of existing instrumentation to monitor the shelf and basin independent of surface conditions. Cabled seafloor observatories offer the means for continuous, real time access to the water column, underside of the ice, and the sediment surface. Cabled observatories can provide continuous, high bandwidth (gigabits per second) and high power (tens of kilowatts) observations, as well as docking functionality for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). The planned Barrow Global Climate Change Research Facility (BGCCRF) would support and be substantially augmented by this observatory. The resulting observations would permit study of the coupling between atmospheric (using existing instrumentation) and oceanographic processes and offer unique opportunities for research, environmental monitoring, education, and the Barrow community. The proposed observatory could substantially augment SEARCH by collecting time series data on many processes and variables encompassing both regional and basin-wide length scales. For example, the larger spatial scales might be sampled using acoustic tomography and AUVs, while the highly variable shelf environment could be sampled from cabled moorings containing a variety of sensor systems. These measurements, combined with surface observations from Barrow, would open a window on the shelf, its biology, oceanography, and geology.
Dale Chayes (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University) Tom Weingartner (University of Alaska Fairbanks - Institute of Marine
Sciences) To apply, please send one paragraph detailing your specific scientific and/or education interests to: Bernard Coakley E-mail: Bernard.Coakley@gi.alaska.edu Application Deadline: Sunday, 12 December 2004 ***************************************************************** --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.802 / Virus Database: 545 - Release Date: 11/26/2004
Contact the TEA in the field at . If you cannot connect through your browser, copy the TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of your favorite e-mail package. |