14 November, 1999
A Preview of Coming Attractions
Today Martin and I drove up to Poker Flat Research Range so that I could
see the field sites that we will be visiting throughout the winter. The
ride north along the old Steese Highway certainly gave me a taste of
Alaska, past and present. We drove past thousands of acres of old mining
tailings, recklessly dumped there decades ago by miners hungry for instant
fortune. (There used to be gold in "them thar hills!") Martin stopped so
that I could get a closer view of an old mining dredge (see photo).
The lakes that we will be studying are scattered around the research range.
<A HREF="http://www.pfrr.alaska.edu">Poker Flat</A> is the only university
owned rocket launching facility in the world! It is currently operated
under contract to NASA for launching sounding rockets, downlinking
satellite data, and researching Arctic phenomena such as the Aurora
Borealis. Hopefully I'll be able to get some good shots of the Aurora this
winter. If you don't already know, find out what causes this amazing
natural spectacle!
We walked out onto one of the small lakes that had an established transect,
marked with wooden stakes bearing orange flags (see photo). The ice was
twenty centimeters thick two weeks ago! I quickly realized that my biggest
concern out here would NOT be "thin ice", but would be staying warm as
temperatures plunge to 30 below this January. Use the graphs below to
determine the average temperature & snowfall for Fairbanks during November.
On the way back to Fairbanks, we stopped along the Alaskan pipeline that
stretches from Barrow to Valdez. As you look at the photo, notice that this
portion of the pipeline is supported above ground. What, do you suppose,
would be the reasons for this? Well, tune in tomorrow as I join Martin
and Kim for a full day of data collection. We'll show you the tools of the
trade and demonstrate their uses!

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