30 November, 2001
Today's the day! We rise at 4:30am to be at CDC (Clothing Distribution Center) by 5:45am. We
actually arrive before they open!
Once inside, we all change into our required ECW (extremely cold weather) gear: long underwear,
socks, bunny boots, windpants, parka, mittens, and hat. We are also required to have an extra
pair of socks and an extra set of underwear--just in case. Sunglasses must also be worn anytime
we are out on the ice.
Before boarding the bus for the plane we must be weighed in with our carry-on luggage. I weigh in
at 204 pounds! How did my bag suddenly get so heavy?!
We are "packed" inside the C-130 five at a time--just like sardines. Cargo is strapped down
throughout the rest of the plane. There is little room to walk or sit. The "facilities" are
located behind a shower curtain and actually aren't too bad.
Once the plane is in the air, the "experienced" passengers scramble to find a spot on the cargo to
sleep. That leaves us more room on the benches. Because I took some cold medication before
boarding the plane, I spend the next three hours sleeping--along with everyone else.
Four hours (and one bag lunch of pickle sandwiches) later, we're still on our way. It looks like
we will reach Antarctica on our first try. They had given us a 50-50 chance of making it out
today. Weather conditions or mechanical difficulties often make planes return to New Zealand for
another attempt on the next "good" day. Looks like all our "positive thinking" paid off for us!
Seven hours into the flight we are already seeing a lot of frozen ice--blue ice and crevasses,
***Note: Today marks the 100th anniversary of Scott and Shackelton docking in New Zealand to
begin the race to the South Pole.
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Boarding our C-130 for our flight to McMurdo, Antarctica.

Seatmates on-board the C-130: Nancy, Bill (from NASA Goddard), and me (looking dog-tired).

Duck sleeping on the "deluxe" webbed seating. Notice that he's wearing earplugs to keep out the incredible noise. A stack of cargo is strapped down in front of him.

Our first view of Antarctica from the plane window!
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