28 December, 2002
The Neussbaum Regel is the last transect where we will collect soil samples.
Sometimes it is overwhelming to think about collecting more samples when we
already have so many to process. It is full summer now and the lake moats
are starting to form and the streams are flowing. We will do a similar
transect here at the mid-point of the Taylor Valley. This regel has some of
the oldest soil in the valley, has higher elevation and was probably not
part of the ancient lakes thus it is different from the other collection
sites. We will stay at Lake Hoare Field Camp for the first part of our soil
We will spend New Years Eve here at the Lake Hoare field camp. All of the
teams in the valley will come to Lake Hoare to bring in the New Year. What
a great way to start a new year - with new friends all interested in science
and all happy to be here.

Here is my team with the official uniform! This is a fun way to start the new year!

Neussbaum soil sampling site Here is a view from the Neussbaum soil sampling site. We are looking down on the Seuss Glacier to the left and Lake Hoare directly below us. Remember how deceptive distances can be. Why do you think that is true? Have you ever been hiking and thought something looked really close, but it really was much farther than it looked? Look closely at the ground and the slope of the hillside. DO you predict that we will find anything different at this site? Remember that some of the variables for this study include how close the sample site is to the Ross Sea, and how high the sample site is. What other variables might be involved that we might not have considered but that might influence where yeast and bacteria might live? Share your ideas with your friends. If you have any questions, just ask me.

Lake Fryxell at 2:30 A.M. In the summer Lake Fryxell is the first in a series of lakes in the Taylor valley. Remember the sun pathway grid was made from near this Lake. When we first entered the Taylor Valley, this lake was totally frozen. Now look at it! What an amazing change has taken place. Why do you think this lake seems to be thawing when the other lakes in the valley are still fairly solid? What additional information might you need before saying that this is evidence for global warming?
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