28 November, 1999
Appleton Schools: Please see special note to all AASD schools at end of
journal text.
The Christmas decorations went up in Dorm 210 yesterday. There was no
Christmas parade, but Thanksgiving is the start of the holiday season here
too. The residents of the dorm put up flashing colored lights, crepe paper
and a Santa Claus poster. McMurdo Station celebrated Thanksgiving with a
traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings for everyone. Thanksgiving
is such a uniquely American holiday and McMurdo has so many people from all
over the world, I was put in the position several times of explaining what
Thanksgiving was all about. One day at lunch, I sat with a number of members
of the Italian contingent of the Cape Roberts Project and they asked why we
celebrate this holiday in the United States. They seemed genuinely
interested. So I went about trying to explain about Pilgrims, Native
Americans, turkeys, etc. It was a real test of my knowledge of American
history. I concluded by telling them the most important part of Thanksgiving
is being with your family and being thankful for all of the good things one
has in their life. I know I miss my family this Thanksgiving and I also know
I have much to be thankful for.
The way Thanksgiving is celebrated here Thursday was a regular workday. The
meal was served on Saturday and most of the support personnel had Saturday
and Sunday off. A two day weekend is unusual here. Most of the time the
Antarctic Support Associates (ASA) employees only have one day off a week.
There were other festivities over the weekend including a party Friday night
at the Mechanical Equipment Center (MEC) for the whole town, a swing dance
on Saturday and a "Turkey Trot" on Sunday. This was a 3 mile running event
ran out on the sea ice runway and back. But the most anticipated event was
the turkey dinner.
Preparing a Thanksgiving meal for over 900 people is quite a chore.
Virtually all of the residents of Mactown attend and the people staying at
Scott Base are also invited. Because of the extra work, the galley asked for
volunteers to help prepare the meal on Saturday morning. I thought it would
be interesting, so I went to give them a hand. I showed up at 5:00AM and was
given the task by the head chef of carving and slicing the roast beef. I was
shown about 15 very large round roasts. I had to trim the fat off, cut some
of them off the bone and slice them on an electric slicer. As I did this, I
could see the other work in the galley kitchen. Preparations for the
Thanksgiving meal were in full swing. Huge vats of stuffing was being mixed
along with green beans, rolls, potatoes, sweet potatoes, ham and lot's of
other stuff. I was getting hungry. There were stacks of pumpkin and apple
pies and of course, many whole turkeys. I worked in the kitchen for about
two hours. Working in the galley is tough work for the people who prepare
the food every day. There are no windows so you really could be doing the
job anywhere. It is easy to forget you are in Antarctica until the end of
your work day and you walk outside. Lot's of people are needed to run the
food service here. Several have been doing it for many seasons. Others are
pretty young doing the work in the galley as their way of getting to
Antarctica. I enjoyed my time working with them.
The meal itself was served in three shifts. The Cape Roberts Project
"family" signed up for the same time slot and went over to the galley
together. The meal was excellent. We had all of the traditional foods like
turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, ham, sweet potatoes,
roast beef (sliced by yours truly) and I topped it all off with a piece
pumpkin pie. It was a wonderful time and a real nice weekend.
The Cape Roberts Project is really winding down now. Much of the sample
preparation is being completed and the scientists are very busy preparing
their initial reports. The first drafts are due today and there is a lot of
last minute writing. It is good to see that it isn't only elementary and
high school students who get things done at the last minute. It even happens
to university professors and scientists at the highest levels. I guess
people are people. Tomorrow, I am going to tell you some fish stories that
you just won't believe, until you see the pictures.
Special note to all Appleton Area School District (AASD) Schools: I
have detected that I may not have gotten all e-mail sent to me from AASD
accounts (the ones that end in @aasd.k12.wi.us). I have not determined where
the problem is, but I do know that some e-mail has not gotten to me. I have
sent responses to all AASD e-mails. If you sent one and didn't get a
response, that means I did not get it. If you sent me an e-mail and didn't
get a reply, please try again. First try the McMurdo address
(smithbr@mcmurdo.gov). Send a copy of the message to my other address at
"bgsmi19@athenet.net" just to make sure. If you don't get a reply within a
day, then send the message to my AASD address at
"smithbruce@aasd.k12.wi.us". I apologize if you were unsuccessful in
contacting me. I would really like to hear for all schools who are following
along with the journals before I leave the ice at the end of this week.

Here I am slicing up the "Steamship Round" for the Thanksgiving dinner.

Some of the many turkeys waiting to be stuffed!

I tried my best to make a dent in this stack of pumpkins pies.

As you can see, my plate was full!

A few of the Cape Roberts Project "family" enjoying Thanksgiving in Antarctica.
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