9 August, 2000
Wednesday, August 9, 2000
TEA Orientation: Day 3
Last night we had the opportunity to take a hike along a “Track to
Trail” walkway. It was so nice to be able to talk to new TEA’s as well
as Martin Jeffries, a researcher, and Arlyn Bruccoli, the TEA Project
Coordinator. The leisurely walk was about 1 ˝ miles one way and ended
with a lovely lake.
Today Mary Albert from CRREL discussed her Antarctic Research. She
discussed the permeability of the snow and firn. Guy Guthridge, from
NSF discussed the new criteria for grant proposals. He emphasized the
importance of integrating research into education and integrating
diversity as the key components for grant funding. He said that the TEA
program is becoming the star in this area by so strongly representing
these criteria. He also read several messages from Principal
Investigators regarding expectations for TEA’s. The most common thread
mentioned was the importance of the TEA parcticipating as “part of the
We learned about the importance of giving positive feedback in the field
as well as taking experiences, reflecting on them and using them to grow
and learn. Several former TEA's presented field adventures and
This afternoon we had so much fun taking photographs and digital images
of each other. We learned how to insert them into our journals. It was
obvious when different TEA's were successful because you could hear the
It has been a fun day!!

Here are the future Arctic Explorers!

Here I am modeling the latest Extreme Cold Weather (ECW) parka in sunny, warm New Hampshire! I think I'll stay warm in the Arctic. I'm burning up in this coat!
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