19 December, 2003
Reflections at 60 Degrees South
My time on the ice has ended and I am now on the long
road home. After staying up most of the night to do a
live broadcast with my students it was nearly time to
head North. I boarded the bus extremely tired, very
sentimental, and a little disappointed that I hadn’t
had enough time or energy for one last hike up Ob
Hill. My time on the ice went by much faster than I
could have ever imagined and while I’m ready to see my
family and friends, I wasn’t quite ready to leave.
I felt a little sad as I put on big red for the last
time and said goodbye to the place that had become my
home for the last five weeks. Ivan the Terra Bus was
again my chariot between the ice runway and town.
Only this time I was moving in the opposite direction
and knew each of MacTown’s buildings as we drove by
them; the majority of which are now associated with
special memories and the wonderful people I associate
with them. With misty eyes and a lump in my throat I
peered out the window trying to make sure I’d etched
every detail of this curious, but magical place.
The Antarctic has consumed my life for nearly the past
three years. First there was the year of just waiting
to apply as I’d just missed the deadline when I first
seriously started considering it. This was then
followed by two months of writing application essays,
three months of waiting to hear word if I’d even been
accepted, and finally a year and a half of knowing
that I was actually going. And like the let down I
used to feel as a child each Christmas night knowing
that it was actually over, I felt a little empty
inside. For unlike the holidays, it is highly unlikely
that I will ever experience this place again. I took a
deep breath, one last long look at the sunlit
mountains and sparkling sea ice, boarded the dark New
Zealand Herc, and settled in for the eight hour flight
back to Christchurch.
Although noisy and uncomfortable, the plane ride
allowed me to reflect upon the past few weeks and this
amazing experience. While the overall goal of my
Antarctic expedition was to give students a better
understanding of the polar areas, the research that
goes on there, and a better grasp of the true nature
of science, I realized that I myself had undergone a
life changing experience. In many ways I’m leaving as
a completely different person.
For me, Antarctica was the place where my inner child
became an adult and the cautious adult got to become a
child. While many experience this in college, I guess
I experienced this here. I’m no longer that quiet,
often timid young girl who actually spent most of the
outbound trip popping Tums because she was so nervous.
I left a little more independent, willing to take a
few more risks, and with the increased self-confidence
needed to achieve any goal. I’ve seen the passion and
curiosity one has to have in order to call themselves
a scientist, understand the romance associated with
exploration and discovery, find myself with an itch to
see more of this wonderful world on which we live, and
want to know more about the scientific processes that
make each place unique.
The old saying in Antarctica is that the first time
you come for the adventure, the second time for the
money, and third time because you don’t fit in
anywhere else. And while it is unlikely that I will
ever return to this place, a piece of me will remain
there, and the spirit of Antarctica is now a part of
me. I guess only those who have visited this place can
truly understand the powerful "calling" of Antarctica
and the impact this place has on one's life. The ice,
the people, and this experience will forever influence
the woman I still have yet to become. For this, I will
forever be grateful!

1. Bag drag. Like on the trip down weight restrictions are taken very seriously. The night before leaving everyone must turn in all checked luggage and be weighed while wearing their red parka and holding all carry-on.

2. Loading Ivan the Terra Bus

3. Boarding the NZ Herc

4. Reflections at 60 degrees south

5. Me by the McMurdo sign
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