Hello. I am Sean Lally and I teach physics at Sewickley Academy, a college
preparatory school near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I have been teaching for
15 years: physics (from conceptual to calc-based college physics),
astronomy (mathematical and conceptual), electives such as "Science and
Pseudoscience", and more. During the summers, I enjoy holding youth
science camps where students learn about astronomy, kite-making, rockets,
holography, photography, and whatever hobby I am pursuing at the time. In
addition to my teaching duties, I am the Director of Science at Sewickley
Academy and the President of the local physics teachers Association. It
keeps me busy, as does publishing the occasional book chapter, lab manual,
or arcticle.
My academic background is in physics, secondary education, astronomy, and
history & philosophy of science. Who can choose just one major or degree?
During my free time, I enjoy playing guitar and theremin (the only
instrument one plays without touching!) with some local bands. I've done a
lot of recording and touring - music is my second, not-so-secret life.
I love teaching, I love kids, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be part of

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