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Activity Template

Welcome! The template is a result of the hardwork of several TEAs at the first two Activities Workshops. It is intended to guide you in the develpoment of inquiry based, hands-on, data-rich activities that reflect the excitement and authenticity of your TEA research experience. For more insight into the making of the template, check out the meeting notes from the Activities Workshops.

The intended audience is the teacher. Remember that the teacher may not have he the depth of experience in the classroom that you do. Help them by sharing your best practices and content knowledge -- excite them with your unique experience!

A few notes on the templates:

  • Activities can be created and edited at any time by TEA parcticipants. This gives you control of - as well as responsibility for - your activies.

  • You will need a personal password; this password will allow you and only you (excluding the TEA Web masters) to access your activities. Contact Steph if you do not have a password. Your personal password is the same for your activities, annual report, and mentoring report.

  • When creating an activity, select the title carefully and do not change it (or we will come find you.....). The title is used to sort and connect the activities.

  • You may use HTML in the template. Most basic commands will show up. DO NOT use a HTML program (e.g., MSWord) and then cut the pre-fab HTML text into the template. Keep it simple! Check out the HTML guide

  • When you are working in the template, you can periodically "save" by clicking on "create" at the bottom of the template. This action will format your work and show you a mock-up on the staging site. To go back to the template, hit the "back" button in your browser.

  • If you get an error when you "create," don't worry - your work IS saved! Contact Steph.

  • Your work is not posted for the public until the Web Masters post it. So, when you have your masterpiece in a solid draft format, contact Steph to get it moved to the public site.

  • At present, all fields show up on the posted activity, whether or not you have something in the field. This indicates where you may want to add text. On round two, we will redesign the posting so that fields you leave blank will be blank in the posted activity (makes it cleaner).

  • Online Activity Template

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