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TEA Program Regional WorkshopSummary of Regional Workshops:Regional workshops are an opportunity for TEAs to expand upon the TEA field experience by sharing polar resources and inquiry-based teaching strategies with their local communities in a meaningful professional development format. Each workshop will be planned and facilitated by a lead TEA, who will submit a proposal to the TEA Management on or before October 4, 2004. The proposal must include a budget, agenda, anticipated outcomes, communication from a polar researcher verifying his/her parcticipation, and initial indication of parcticipant interest. Parcticipants can include TEAs and Associates from surrounding states, as well as other educators interested in polar science. Each workshop will include components that focus on polar content, the process of science (with connections to the classroom), the role of inquiry in science instruction, and existing curriculum materials and classroom resources. It is anticipated that each workshop will be designed to meet local interests and needs and to take advantage of local resources; each workshop will be unique. Workshop outcomes will be reported by the TEA facilitator and will be included on the TEA Web site. It should be noted that the local workshops are an excellent way for TEAs and their mentees to work together; we request that the mentoring connection be addressed in the proposals. Eligibilty InfoSelection will be based on the parcticipant's: Proposal Preparation Instructions
Workshop GuidelinesTEA Regional Workshops will be between one and two days in length (not including travel days and include between twenty and thirty parcticipants. At least one polar researcher must attend and contribute to the workshop (e.g. give a presentation about her/his research). Each workshop will include components that focus on polar content, the process of science (with connections to the classroom), the role of inquiry in science instruction, and existing curriculum materials and classroom resources. It is anticipated that each workshop will be designed to meet local interests and needs and to take advantage of local resources. Funding InformationThe TEA Program can fund a minimum of two regional workshops to occur between October 2004 and May 2005. The maximum amount of funding available, including stipends, is $12,000. This funding can be used to cover the following expenses and may not exceed any of the amounts listed for each category: The Lead TEA will be considered a consultant (TEA Regional Workshop Consultant) and be compensated for one day of pre-workshop preparation, two days of actual workshop (or one if a one day workshop), and one day to prepare a summary. The daily consulting fee is $400 for a total of $1600 per workshop. If there is more than one TEA facilitator, the consulting fee will be divided between the facilitators. Submission InstructionsProposals must be submitted via email to Arlyn Bruccoli at Those TEAs selected to host Regional Workshops will also parcticipate in a pre-workshop conference call with the TEA management team. The purpose of this call is to offer facilitators the opportunity to ask questions and to share ideas. Such communication will increase the likelihood that the Regional Workshop guidelines are applied consistently among facilitators. Facilitators will also parcticipate in a post-workshop conference call and may be asked to complete a brief evaluation form to discuss the successes and challenges of the event. Proposal Review CriteriaThe TEA Management Team will use the following criteria to evaluate each submission. Notification of proposal status will be made within three weeks of submission. Agendas from Funded 2004-2005 ProposalsAgendas from Funded 2003-2004 ProposalsAward InformationDocumentation Responsibilities of FacililtatorsSuggestions for Proposing Facilitators |