11 December, 1996
Today Jenni agreed to do my journal entry. This is her account of her Trip
to the South Pole and how she was able to run around the world without
breaking a sweat.
Talk about a whirlwind trip! Yesterday around 4 p.m. I was informed that I
had been chosen as an alternate for a "Sleigh Ride" (that's McMurdo code for
a sightseeing trip to the South Pole Station). The NSF (National Science
Foundation) Chalet (main office in McMurdo) has everybody's name entered
into a computer program that randomly chooses names for flights to the Pole
when space is available. Amazingly I, who rarely wins anything, actually had
my name chosen. Of course since I was an listed as an alternate I had my
doubts about actually getting to make the trip! I was told to report at 8 am
in full ECW (extreme cold weather) gear, for a departure time of 10 am. They
also said one small hand carry bag was allowed. I planned on taking some
snacks and of course my camera. Although I tried not to get too excited
about the prospect of a Pole visit, I wasn't able to sleep at all, I kept
waking up every half-hour to check the clock and make sure I hadn't
overslept. (It's harder to know when you've overslept here since the sun is
always shining!)
Finally at 7 am the alarm went off, and for once in my life I jumped right
out of bed (I'm NOT a morning person). I dressed in my gear and Patrick and
I walked up to the meeting place since he had to pick up a package there
anyway. (I feel bad that he wasn't also picked to go, but he gallantly told
me I could take pictures for both of us). When we arrived I found out that
the time had been changed to 8:30, but decided to just wait there figuring
that maybe being there early would give me a better chance at getting on the
flight! Well, more and more people kept arriving and they kept briefing us,
"make sure you have full ECW gear on, that you have a water bottle and that
your hand carry bag fits within the little wooden box"(which they had
sitting in the middle of the room). Still no word about standbys, so I
figured maybe that was a good sign, but I wasn't counting on anything until
I was on that plane! They eventually led us into a waiting room and then had
us board a bus, having us check our names off of a passenger list each time.
So far, so good, and everybody in the group seemed to think that once I'd
made it on the bus, I was home free, I hoped so.
The bus drove us out onto the sea ice and to the ice runway. We were in
full gear, so it was pretty warm, and of course we did the "hurry up and
wait" routine that's becoming so common here. But, everyone was in really
good spirits and excited about the upcoming trip, so the wait wasn't too
bad. We sat in the bus at the runway for almost an hour. The only
entertainment came from watching about 50 firemen, Navy personnel and ASA
workers trying to chase off one lone Adelie penguin that had wondered onto
the runway.
Finally they said it was time to board the plane (a C-130 with skis) and
once I was actually sitting in my seat, I breathed a sigh of relief, I'd
made it! (well almost) There was still a three hour plane ride, which has a
whole new meaning when it's on a military plane with "sling" seats and
earplugs are required. But who was I to complain? I spent most of the plane
ride reading, taking pictures of the other passengers and looking out the
small circular windows that were at the front and back of the plane. Finally
it was time to land. They warned us that ski landings are usually rough, but
the landing felt smoother than most commercial flights. Adam Marsh (another
lucky sleigh rider) and I talked about how strange it is to fly in military
planes with few windows, because when you land and walk out of the plane,
you're in a whole new world and wonder how you got there! This was
especially true for this flight, because upon leaving the plane, I saw the
South Pole marker nearby and realized I was essentially at the bottom of the
world, wow! It was a warm day at the pole, minus 20 with a minus 40
wind-chill and bright sun. The altitude today was 12,500 feet (figuring in
barometric pressure) and the effects of altitude were noticeable if you
tried to walk too fast or climb steps.
They had us split into small groups and a worker from the Pole Station gave
us a quick tour. And I do mean quick, after a three-hour flight over approx.
750 miles, we had one hour to look around before they had us reboard the
plane. We first went into the Pole Station, also known as the Dome.
Most of the facilities at the station are contained under a large dome.
When I walked through the entrance, I felt as if I was tunneling under the
ground. I first walked through a long tunnel with rounded corrugated steel
over the top. The inside was so frosted over with snow and ice that it felt
like I was walking into a giant freezer. Once inside there were small
buildings that housed the computer room, communications room, TV room,
"library", the galley, and the living accommodations for the scientists and
some of the other workers. I found out from our guide, that she and many
other employees, live in James ways located outside the dome (brrrr!). This
is known as the "summer camp", because all the winter-over people live under
the dome.
After our tour of the station, it was time to go pole. We all took turns
standing by the pole and snapping pictures left and right, what a bunch of
tourists! We also took the opportunity to run around the world, guess that's
my exercise for the day! After posing for various shots, it was time to
board the plane for the three hour flight back to McMurdo. On the way back I
got to go up into the cockpit for about ten minutes. It was an incredible
panoramic view of pure white, broken up by black mountains peaking out now
and then. All in all it was a crazy past twenty-four hours. Less than twenty
hours after finding out I was an alternate for the sleigh ride, I was
standing at the South Pole. What a day!

Jenni at the South Pole
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