19 November, 1998
Thursday, November 19th, 1998
Hi! Quote of the day…"It's good to have multiple airlines here." (by Peter
Webb at our morning meeting…when speaking about another day with no American
planes arriving in McMurdo yesterday, and the Italian visitors being taken to
Terra Nova-the Italian base-and being flown back to Christchurch on the
Italian Hercules.
It has been a few days since any planes have come into McMurdo. Ken Verosub
was supposed to leave today as well, but got bumped off the Air National Guard
flight that left today. It was just as well because none of us really got to
say a proper good-bye, since Ken got back to Mactown so late last night. He
had been out at the drill site for the past 24+ hours. I was glad to get a
chance to talk with him about this "field trip" and find out what to expect
tomorrow night when I fly out. Also, I was happy to be able to say good-bye,
and the paleomag team went to the Coffee House tonight (when Fabio returned
from the drill site) to have a few relaxing minutes together. Today's plane
did make it into McMurdo, so Ken should leave tomorrow morning.
The drill hole…down to 428 meters as of this morning. Today's core: 331.0
through 355.0 and I was able to tape Chris as he gave us the details of the
My daily routine…label yesterday's samples…measure their magnetic
susceptibility…drill and sample during the afternoon. A big difference today
was that Fabio was gone, so I did ALL the drilling with Jason (one of the
downhole loggers) on the assist. It was pretty funny really…I am not quite as
smooth as Fabio when it comes to the water and drilling. Jason and I were
covered with mud and water by the time I drilled 40 small core samples. We
had a lot of laughs and took some great photos when we finished. All things
considered, I drilled all 40 samples without any problems (except how we
looked!), and Gary complimented me when we were through. By the time we
finished cleaning things up, it was dinner time, as usual.
After dinner I headed straight to the computer lab, where I have been just
about all night, except for a "time out" at the Coffee House with Ken, Gary,
Fabio, and Leo. I have answered almost 60 e-mail messages today from
students, teachers, friends, and family. I have "typer's cramp" and I think I
need to go to sleep now. I have a VERY exciting day planned for tomorrow.
I'm not going to give it ALL away now, so you will have to tune in to find out
what I did! Have a great day, wherever you are and I will talk to you
Smiles and miles away,
Betty :)

I was "head driller" today, on the job with my assistant, Jason. I think we made a pretty good, but very messy, team. The mess was mostly my fault! Oops! Sorry ab out that, Jason, but thanks for being a good sport about it all.

Jason and I are posed with the trusty lab assistant, Bob, after drilling our 40 small samples this afternoon.
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