7 January, 2003
We arrived by helicopter in three separate flights. Bruce, Sarah, and myself
plus about 1000 pounds of cargo were on the first flight. We got our
required radio checks with McMurdo Station and then the helo left. Dead
silence except for a little wind with breathtaking scenery all around
Three hours later came Karina, Taber, and Amanda plus another 1000 pounds of
cargo then finally a shipment of just cargo, the remaining 2000 pounds. The
cargo was prioritized for movement with the radios and tents coming first
plus a couple days worth of food. The later shipments were more food (about
2000 pounds worth), hiking and rock sampling equipment, personal gear, etc.
We set up the entire camp which will be our base of operations for the
remainder of the month. We have three tents of various sizes for living in.
Bruce has a Scott tent, Taber & I are sharing an 8 foot by 16 foot Endurance
tent and Amanda, Sarah, and Karina are sharing the 8 foot by 21 foot
Endurance tent. The tents are very nice. You can easily walk around in the
largest one and there is room for a table and cooking facilities. Another
tent houses the bathroom.
The weather today is in the 30s with light wind and sunny - so ideal for
setting up camp. Tomorrow we will go on a familiarization hike of the
western side of Bull Pass.

1. Sarah and I on the helo enroute to Bull Pass

2. A US Coast Guard icebreaker in McMurdo Sound on it's way to the station

3. Bruce setting up the Scott tent

4. Sarah setting up one of the Endurance tents that will be used for the ladies

5. Taber arrives on the second helo. Welcome to Bull Pass!

6. Our first day in Bull Pass (Left to Right: Taber Hersum, Sarah Fowler, Bruce Marsh, Karina Zavala, Mike Weiss, Amanda Charrier)
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