9 July, 2004
Today was a busy day as everyone got settled on board and received our
science and ship orientation. We all had our ship tour and safety talk
before the ship left the dock. As we were watching the shoreline and taking
lots of pictures, we saw the crew drop the anchor. Soon after, the signal
for fire on board went off, and we all proceeded to gather our life vests
and warm clothing before we headed to the lounge for further instructions.
Fortunately, it was only a drill based on the information we had received
during our safety orientation. What a great way to reinforce what we had
just learned. Once we all gathered in the lounge, the abandon ship alarm
went off! We immediately proceeded to the deck where we were issued our
immersion suits (check the picture to see why some call them "gumby suits").
In theory, one is supposed to put the suit on in one minute. Clearly that
takes practice! However, we all got them on and happily took pictures,
knowing this was only a drill. If this had been a real emergency, and
people had ended up in the water, these suits would provide both buoyancy
and warmth. Because it was only a drill, those who wished to do so, went
swimming with the suits on. Check out the pictures to see me in my suit and
some of those who went swimming after the drill.
We spent most of the afternoon getting science gear unloaded and set up.
Just because the cruise is short (about two weeks) doesn't mean there is
less equipment. The scientists still need to take samples and either
analyze or preserve them for later work. Jackie's "crew" consists of me,
Ari Balsom, Rebecca Pirtle-Levy, and Alicia Clark, all of the University of
Tennessee, Knoxville. We spent most of our time clearing gear and supplies
out of the portable container/lab set out on the deck. We moved sediment
collection gear onto the deck and much of Jackie's equipment up to the
ship's lab where she will set up her respiration experiments. In the
meantime, the crew opened the hold and began moving heavy equipment up on
deck. After working hard for much of the afternoon, most got a break.
Because we are leaving from Kodiak, it will take a couple of days to get to
our first sediment station. The CTD work and zooplankton collection will
take place in the meantime, and throughout the trip. I'll send pictures and
descriptions in future journals.

Some chose to go swimming once they had their gumby suits on. --

Much of the science gear must be brought up from the hold. --

Here I am in my immersion suit (aka gumby suit). --
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