8 July, 2004
Getting to Alaska from Vermont takes a while! I started on Wednesday
morning at 8 AM, traveled through Chicago to Anchorage, and flew on
to Kodiak, arriving at 4:40 PM. With the 4 hour difference, that
made it more than 12 hours to get here. Flying over incredibly
beautiful snow capped mountains and huge glaciers didn't exactly
prepare me for the temperature when I landed in Kodiak. It was 80+
degrees, 10 degrees warmer than Burlington, VT!
Kodiak Island, known as the Emerald Isle, is part of an archipelago
(group of islands) 30 miles off the southern Alaska coast. Covering
3,588 square miles, Kodiak is the second largest island in the United
States; Hawaii is the largest. The entire archipelago is influenced
by volcanoes and seismic activity. Ten thousand years ago, the area
was covered by glaciers. As the glaciers retreated, they left behind
the jagged peaks, deep valleys and bays that make up these islands
today. The name Kodiak is from an Aluttig word, gik/rtag, which
means island. The Alutiit, the original settlers, arrived 7,500
years ago. Today their descendants live in 6 rural villages and the
town of Kodiak. Commercial fishing provides the economic base for
Kodiak, with more than 700 fishing vessels. Kodiak is also home to
the country's largest coast guard station.
On Thursday, we had time to walk through Kodiak, purchase smoked
salmon and halibut to send home (check out the smokehouse picture
below), visit the Alutiig museum, and move our gear onto the ship.
The Sir Wilfrid Laurier, a Canadian Coast Guard ship based in
Vancouver, will be our home for the next two weeks. Shortly after we
settled into our rooms, Dr. Jackie Grebmeier and the remainder of the
science team arrived. There are eleven members of the science team,
and I will introduce you to each of them in future journals. Since
the ship doesn't sail until tomorrow morning, everyone had a chance
for a good night's sleep.

The Sir Wilfrid Laurier at the dock in Kodiak, Alaska. --

Fishing is an important part of the economy of Kokiak; we visited this smokehouse. --
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