24 August, 2002
This will be my last journal. As I write it I find I'm very sad that this
wonderful experience is over. For the scientists on board, it is just one
more research cruise, and they will do this again many times. Many of them
know one another and will work together again. I do know that I will see
many of them at the SBI follow-up meeting in March of 2003, but it is still
difficult to say goodbye to people with whom I have worked so closely for 40
days. In addition, because we arrived in Nome early, some have been able to
change plane tickets and are leaving a little earlier than expected. So,
one by one, our numbers are dwindling, and I have already missed one or two
opportunities to say goodbye. I'm also more than ready to get home myself.
It will certainly be different to be back to my usual routine. It's strange
to have missed summer! I have been so busy that I have not really thought
much about what I miss, but I can assure you that I miss, among other
things, my husband, my dog and my horse, all the fresh summer vegetables,
(we ran out here about two weeks ago) and Ben and Jerry's ice cream. It
will definitely be good to get home!
I do have a few final thoughts before we leave the ship and everyone
disperses. I want to thank the TEA program for giving me the opportunity to
experience the process of science in such a rich environment. In
conjunction with the TEA program, the folks at Rice University who handle
the website have been fantastic whenever I had a problem. In addition,
Jackie Grebmeier deserves special thanks for volunteering to bring me along
and for her guidance and her willingness to answer my endless questions.
Lee Cooper has been unbelievably patient with all of us despite the
pressures of his role as chief scientist. Jim Bartlett has been so helpful
as we have worked together for hours on end! Steve Roberts, the JOSS
representative on board, has helped me countless times with my computer and
with my photography. Ari Balsom has not only done her own work (she's here
as a "team" of one) but she has helped us with the benthic work on several
occasions. Without the help of Todd Hindman, teacher at the Anvil City
Science Academy and past TEA, I would not have been able to post my first
few journals on time. Lastly, ever since coming on board the Healy, Captain
Visnesky and his crew have been unfailingly helpful, friendly and courteous.
Thank you to all of you!
What are some of the things I will remember? In no parcticular order, I'm
going to just list a few of my impressions and memories of the summer SBI
cruise. I know there are more that I will think of when I am home and
rested, but as a start, I will always remember: the sounds of the ship
breaking ice, the gentle rolling motion of the ship throughout most of the
cruise and the rougher rocking motion when we were in ice and during the
storm, how good it felt to get into my top bunk after several hours on a
long, cold station with little sleep, the always changing beauty of the
ocean around us, the ever-changing shapes, colors and patterns of the ice,
the excitement of seeing a polar bear for the first time, the generosity of
the Romaneskos who "adopted" me for four days in Nome prior to my departure,
the excitement of the students of the Anvil City Science Academy as they
toured the ship, the incredible frustration and disappointment I felt as my
computer repeatedly failed, the intensity of the shallow stations which came
so quickly and exhausted all of us, the importance of meals and the mess in
general as a place not only to eat but to socialize, the unbelievable work
ethic of the scientists who never questioned working around the clock to
gather their data, Jackie's excitement when she brought up a perfect core or
found a neat "critter" in her samples, how much we all enjoyed the time
allowed us by the "pump boys," the amazingly talented young people on board
who are our next generation of researchers, and the many friendships I have
What will I take back to my classroom? I'll take back a real appreciation
of what it means to do intense field research, especially when ship time is
limited. I have always understood the need to help students relate science
to the real world, and I now have so many more examples to give them. Data
gathered on the SBI cruises will provide information about environmental
changes that may have global impact. Indeed, it seems changes are already
occurring in this region of the world. I hope be able to help my students
understand the importance of the science that is taking place here in the
Arctic Ocean. Science is a dynamic and exciting process; it is not
something to be memorized from a textbook!

<> The scientists of the SBI 2002 Summer Curise

<> It was great to see Nome again after 40 days on board the ship!
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